Chapter 11

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-=+=-Graser's POV-=+=-
Ughhhhh I was so bored, time to call my friends I know I have more than just will. I walk over to my computer and make a group skype call with Will, Stacy, Tomahawk, and Devon "hey peoples" I say "what is it Graser?" Devon asks "let's go to the movies" I say "but I have homework" Stacy says "and I'm bored and I'll do it for you" I say "okay I'm game" Stacy says "fine but you and Will better pick me and Tomahawk up" Devon says "I haven't even agreed" Tomahawk argues "we all know you have no plans and that your homework is already done" Devon says "please tommyhawk" Stacy says "I'll be there but your driving me" he says, I laugh and log off and go outside but not before calling to my parents "I'm leaving bye" and head out to my car, I quickly drive down the street and pick up Will, when he opens up the door I sang "I miss the sound of you voice" and he sang back "and I miss the rush of you skin" soon we were theatrically singing "come on get higher" and since the car was just sitting there I heard laughing I turned around and saw Jordan and Liam "wow you really gay" Liam laughed ad Jordan stood there staring? At Will actually "were are y'all heading" Jordan asked "movies...bye" I said starting up my car "see you there then" Liam said smirking, ugh whatever I was just about to drive away when the doors opened up and the two climbed in "what movie we seeing?" Jordan asked "we..we didn't invite" Will stuttered, Jordan smile faded and he put head in his hands and started cursing "fine you want to come, then we're seeing a romance movie "the biggest pain is your love" I said which the two groaned to, I quickly picked up everybody else up, each time they stopped stared and whispered "why are two football players here?" Which we answer to "they sort of invited themselves". Eventually we got to the movies and started into the building, relax Graser your all friends just heading out to see a movie, it was pretty easy to fool myself. We bought our tickets to see "The Avengers" which they were re showing, we were seeing it because Stacy and them complained that me and Will always pick the movie so they picked. We sit in the dark theater and I saw Maddie from History "hey Maddie!" I said "I told you I like being called Dul like how you like being called Graser" she said, I laughed at that "want to join us" I asked "sure" she walked over and Liam pushed Jordan over to Dul "Mad-er..Dul I need to ask you something" Jordan asked sheepishly, and then whispered something to her, Dul smiled and nodded "okay guys new couple here" Dul smiled, didn't see that one coming. 2 hours later the movies ended and Jordan and Dul shyly pecked a kiss and parted ways, I drove everyone home and parked my car in my driveway and went inside and went to bed.

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