Chapter 6

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~~~~~~H's pov <3

I bang my fist against my desk. "Where the hell are they?!" I yell. "Chill dood!" Bayani said. I glare at him. "We have been waiting for an hour!!" He rolls his eyes. "Yeah, I know! But hopefully they got hit by a car or something and won't come here!" I sigh, "dood we aren't that lucky." I go to lay on my bed. Just as I get comfortable the doorbell goes off. "For fucks sake!!" I yell. Bayani just laughs. I shove him, and make my way downstairs. I yank the door open to see zach leaning against the wall laughing, while will blushes crazily. "Why the fuck are you blushing?? Did your boyfriend here say something." I say. Fucking fags! They were probably flirting. They say nothing and just walk in. "Follow me, and don't try to gay up the place!" I warn them. Zach just rolls his eyes and mutters something which will giggles at. The fuck?? What kind of guy giggles?! Oh yeah, fairys! "Dood, who was it?" Bayani yells. "The late fuckers!" I yell back. We enter my room. Bayani glares at them. "You have a lot of guts to make us wait! What were you doing, fucking??" Bayani says angrily. Zach huffs and goes to sit in the bean bag chair. "W-we got lo-lost." Will whispers. Zach starts cracking up at that and will starts blushing again. "What's so funny?" I ask. "Nothing!" Zach says, his laughter dying down. (And h calls him zach because he doesn't know that he's called graser) "whatever, let's just get this other with." I mutter. "Any ideas??" I ask. "I thought it was about us?" Zach says smartly, quoting me from earlier. I roll my eyes. "Come on, for real!" I say. "Um, what kind of genre?" He asks. "How am I suppose to know??" I ask. "Very helpful." He mutters. "Fine then! How about a romance?" I ask. "Ooooh, that could be fun!" He says, eyes twinkling. Will snorts. "Graser, you're letting your gay out!!" Zach just laughs. "Graser?? Who's that?" Bayani asks. "I am!" Graser says pointing at himself. Why is he so proud of that?! "Anywho, if it's a romance it should be about an angel falling for a demon!" Graser says excitedly. "Wow, I thought the fairy boy would say something about fairies and unicorns!" Bayani says. Graser rolls his eyes and says "fairies and unicorns are SOOO mainstream!!" I snort. "What's so funny?" He asks tilting his head confusedly. "You really are gay!" "Duh!" He yells. I was about to say something when the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" Bayani says. "Cool." A few minutes later he shouts "it's the bitchy slut!" Tanya is here?? (Tanya is the gf) but I told her not to come.

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