Chapter 7

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-=+=-Tanya's POV-=+=-
"It's the bitchy slut" I hear through the door, it opens and it's Jordan "excuse me?" I say "hm oh nothing H is upstairs" he says, I hate those stupid nicknames they gave each other jut because of their YouTube things, I shove pass him and see Liam, I know I'm a bitch to everybody but Liam is just awesome "babe!" I say and jump up and peck his cheek "hey baby" he says I see those two gay guys Will and Zach sitting in his room "why are they here?" I ask, I could hardly deal with freaking Jordan if I had to deal with these fags around all the time I'll scream "oh that English project in Mrs. Wills class, they're in our group" he said "oh I'm guessing you didn't pick" I said "why d..don't you th..think he pi..pick" Will stuttered "like he and Jordan would pick fags like you" I said, Zach walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder "ya know I would say something but I didn't know you suffered so much" he said "what do you mea-" I started but was cut off "PBF, CPMS, and BA" he said "oh you know Permeant Bitch Face, Chronic PMSing, and Bitchy attitude" he said, I was shocked I looked to Liam to say something but he was laughing, laughing?! Angered I left his house, fuck them they can all fuck each other for all I care!

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