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June 13, 2019.


The night Cindy took up her mother's dagger, I felt sorry for her.

Sally has done enough. She's mean, awful and not even that pretty. She deserves to die.

Seeing Cindy cut her skin made me know that she was on her last desire to stay on earth. What else gave her the reason to live on?


Dissociative Identity Disorder

Don't know what's happening to me
I'm missing huge chunks of time and sometimes I hear a voice
Surely this can't be real
Splitting into two different verisons of yourself just does not happen
Oh God, please
Can somebody tell me that it doesn't?
I just want to be normal like everybody else
A whole person
Torn not in half by some secret that my own mind keeps playing hide and seek with
Independent and free from this mental instability
Every second that we're forced to co-exist is torture
I am the black sheep, after all
They taunt and tease so cruel
Leaving me yearning helplessly for some kind
Any kind of human comfort and understanding
I'll take any kind of help that someone out there is willing to offer me
Slipping more and more away
One more day of this
I swear
I just cannot take
Running scared no longer
Determined now to admit to and be in control of my illness at last
Either that or I'll take a baseball bat to my own head
Anything it takes
To once and for all
Remove this other me from me

By Ramona Thompson

Dear diary,
The night when Cindy was in her room with the dagger was the same night when Mike cuddled with Steve after telling Steve of Sally's encounter. Not to mention it being the exact night Sally was in her room texting her friends about the contents she had read in Steve's notepad.

It was his notepad but it had details about his personal life like his dreams, relationship and sexual intimacies.

I had been 'talking' to Sally for months using an unknown number and fake profile picture. I don't know why I have been doing that but I have been.

The fake model I got from online made her fall for me easily. I texted her number two hours ago that I was going to come to her house for 'our first date'.

Now, about 9:36 pm, I texted her back again telling her to come out to her veranda because I was waiting their.

I was freaking out. I didn't have a rigid plan and I wasn't sure of what I should do. All I knew was that I wanted her to be gone. She needed to stop messing with people. The people who I obsessed over. I don't stalk them, I just have a bit of an obsession.

When she stood at her doorstep looking out, I came from behind her with a damp cloth of chloroform.
She struggled trying to escape my grasp but I held on tightly. I could hear her groan between the cloth and feel her painful nails scratching my arm.

I didn't pull back though. All the anger within helped me to withstand her continuous elbow attacks to my gut.

When she was finally knocked out, I was finally relieved because she was a pain in the ass. Either way I wasn't done with her yet.

I thug with all my back and arm muscles on her body in the grass then rested her in Cindy's foster mom's car that I had stolen the same night.

I drove a long distance to the exact spot Cindy's mother had disposed of her husband after murdering him.

Sealing's river.

Using my dagger, I stabbed and bored through soft flesh. It was so easy to sink the blade.

I could hear the squish of her organs and blood. This made me happy.

With glee, I sliced her face. Left, right, left, right.
I was not so cautious of my movements and just swayed uncontrollably.

After which, I chopped up her arms, legs, neck and head. I groaned while I pulled out a few organs and threw them everywhere.

I laughed like a witch. Long and last she's dead and forever gone. No more Sally.

Was it really me who did this?
A/N Yes the timeline is messy but let's just say that the anonymous felt like writing this on a different day than the day the event happened.

A Stalker's Diary Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora