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June 7,2019.


  Lonely is just one word chosen to represent      
                                   so much
    To tell of feelings inside that the senses    
                           cannot touch

       Lonely can be in the teardrops on a        
                bereaved person's cheek
Lonely can be in the silence of sorrows too 
                              deep to  speak

   Lonely can haunt a deserted room that       
             Laughter once made proud
  Lonely surrounds you when you're alone or
                      finds you in a crowd

   Lonely is heard in echoed footsteps of a    
                          departing friend
Lonely penetrates the solitude of nights that
                              will not end

  Lonely will not listen to the pleadings of a
                              broken heart
Lonely stays and torments until new Love
                         shatters it apart

By Mary Harvan


Both Mike and Steve sat in the front sit at opposite ends of Mike's car. Mike was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel while listening to a song on the radio; and, Steve was on his phone looking at Instagram pictures of puppies while having his legs crossed in the car seat.

"Aw babe. Look at this. Isn't he cute?!" Steve exclaimed cheerfully almost screaming.

Mike took Steve's phone from his hands to see what the excitement was all about and blandly he said, "Yeah I guess so."

"What do you mean ' I guess so',"Steve pointed rather upset.

Mike wanting to not make Steve feel bad put the phone screen right up to his face so he could have a better look. He then bawled out, "Awwww!! It's so cuuuute!!"

"Alright now you're being dramatic."

"You always look at these animals and hardly pay attention to me. I took you here so we could chill together."

"That's not true. You know I give you all the attention. Remember when..."

In the midst of Steve rambling about the different situations he had been showing his love to Mike, Mike out of no where broke out, "I like your shorts."

"I can't believe in the middle of my conversation with you, you brought up liking shorts. How did that even tie in to what I was saying?" Steve continued to blabber. "But thank you though," he pouted by the compliment.

Dear Diary,
Mike and Steve seemed close. Maybe too close as a matter of fact. I kind of like that. It made everything a bit more interesting.

It was about 8 in the night and the two were talking in the car parked at Devon's Rock. Devon's Rock is a chill-out area on a hill in the woods near town where teens would go to have their little outdoor parties.

I had only heard about it and so it was out of curiosity that got me here. I was looking out through the bushes with my night vision binoculars to see what was going on in the car.

I know it might seem crazy but I have nothing to do. My life is boring as hell. This has to be one of the most thrilling parts of my life since years.


The night was calm and the moon was directly shining on the hill. It was an amazing view but I could hear the grasshoppers making their silly, annoying racket. Thank gosh there was not a party going on to make this night go even worse.

Mike reached over to Steve and gently kissed his cheek making him blush. I can just imagine the feeling. Somehow I didn't feel jealous that my crush was kissing this guy. I enjoyed it. It felt like I was watching those romantic movies.

Before I knew it, Steve went on Mike's lap. Oh this was suppose to be the climax of the movie. I couldn't blink an eye because all my nosey self saw was the connection of mouths locking and twirling.

Their hands were not so stiff either. I then implied that this was not their first time and they were comfortable with each other.

Steve had his arms around Mike's neck while Mike had his hands creeping into Steve's shirt lazily.

And don't get me started with Steve's arching back since I knew from the start that whatever he was grinding on was big and thick. I saw Mike's bulge before so yeah. Mike took off his shirt and helped Steve with his. Afterwards, Mike started planting love bites all the way from Steve's hairless chest to his lower torso while Steve rubbed Mike's broad shoulders and muscular back.

Yes. All of this was pleasing to watch. I couldn't hear the possible moans erupting from Steve's open mouth so I imagined the sound in my mind.

But wait.

Mike accidentally blew the horn on the car wheel and the sound frightened the couple as well as myself-Oh shoot. They stopped what they were doing. Steve got back to his seat and they both laughed while putting on back their shirts.

Nooo. It ended. The car started and they drove off.

Damn it.

The heat was finished and I had nothing else left to do.

A/N Yeah I know this chapter was so cliche but the next one will be 'slightly' better. Don't worry too much because the exciting stuffs are going to be in the further chapters. :)

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