Chapter 05

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Drunken Beauties

Soft bass and energised acoustic guitars burst through the speakers, filling every inch of space in the room. Teenagers and adults of all shapes and sizes crammed the dance floor, enjoying a night that was guaranteed to leave a lasting impression.

Strobe lights danced across the ceiling and faces in the crowd; reds, blues, pinks, and greens illuminated the walls in moving patterns as if the building was one huge kaleidoscope.

Billy sat near the drink stand on the floor, greeting the few familiar faces he spotted at the party. He saw how cheerful and vibrant everyone appeared to be as if they were concealing their emotions until they entered the gathering.

Moving his dark eyes around the room, he noticed Elianne dancing around happily with some other kids who were part of the drama competition. He saw the flicker in her eyes as her body moved in sync with the blasting music. Every beat, every rhythm, every second he saw her became a new person.

His eyes pierced into hers, though he wasn't sure what was causing such intense emotion to captivate him. He took a sip from his drink and cringed, feeling like he had just drunk alcohol although he ordered fruit juice instead. Jeez, this juice definitely tasted like garbage. 

She shifted her gaze back to him and then came to a complete stop. She couldn't remember when it happened, but she blinked once and found herself seated next to Billy. He wasn't looking at her; instead, his gaze was fixed on the red Solo cup he was holding.

"It's so loud I think I'm gonna go deaf." Elianne thought she was yelling, but it was just the music rolling with her. "And I'm getting tired . . ."

"Really?" He looked at her with a smirk. "You looked like you were having quite the time over there."

"Is it a crime, Mr Billy, to get tired?" She felt a blush rise to her cheeks and she wondered why he may have been staring at her. "Don't you wanna dance? I can teach you some moves."

When Billy leaned in a little closer, he detected the bittersweet odour of alcohol. An enthralling spirit with the power to transform a person's entire demeanour. He chuckled and wondered how Elianne had acquired the opportunity to drink, especially at a private school function.

"You're gonna have one sick headache in the morning, rest assured."

Elianne stared at him in confusion for a few moments and then her mouth formed into a frown. "You mean I drank? Alcohol? Man, I was told it was fruit punch. . ."

He laughed at her innocence as he shook his head. "Eli, you were duped."

She sagged, making her appear considerably smaller than the boy seated next to her. She appeared innocent and naive as a flower trampled on hundreds of times.

"No wonder it tasted like shit."

"Come on, it's not that big of a deal," he said, trying to lighten the mood, though he knew it would be difficult. "To answer your question, I don't dance."

He felt a pang of sorrow; she had been so happy only moments before, and it was only because he told the truth that she seemed unhappy. Or perhaps the booze did its thing too well, generating the mood swings.

"Can you drop me off at my room?" She didn't meet his eyes, probably out of embarrassment. "I'm getting tired and need some sleep."

"Yeah." He bit his bottom lip. "Let's go."

Billy casually shook his head and moved part of his hair back. Standing up, he made his way to the exit, closely followed by Elianne. When the two kids arrived in the main corridor, they hit the button that would take them to the elevator, and when it opened, they were surprised to see the scene in front of them.

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