Chapter 14

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Tinge of Relief

Billy agreed that as soon as they would reach school, life would never be the same. The two would cross paths with each other during class-change as if they knew nothing. In reality, however, they both knew everything. The once cunning lifestyle the two had come accustomed to would end up leading to nothing more than an awkward glance across the room, only to be alone once the other left for another country. And once that would happen, there would be absolutely nothing left.

The adolescent romance would quickly devolve into adolescent heartbreak. This is the kind that you usually only see in movies. This was really genuine. It wasn't a modern film, but it was a tragedy nonetheless. There would be no resolution in this tale because the actual ending happened before it even started. There was no love, as there was always going to be hatred. An even more serious flaw was lost friendship. 

He sat on the benches leading up to the entrance of the school. It had been well over a few months since the crew returned from the journey and the same amount of time since she had left. A journey, that's what it was.

In cringeworthy novels, at some point, the protagonist would meet the individual who made their heart swoon at one time. Though now, in this story, he could never see her. It wasn't a matter of booking a flight and travelling his way to her home, no. It just would not happen.

Their relationship had been dwindling, he could admit to that. In the months building up to that moment, their communication had lessened to perhaps a couple of texts a week, never talking, not even through the phone. Billy had been told by his classmates that it would be like this, that he would never get to see the girl he had fallen so hard for, but he had never, not once imagined that things would turn out like this.

It wasn't like they were friends at all. It was more like they were strangers. For all he knew, Elianne could see countless other men and barely passed him a thought. She had the right to. What connection did the two even have? A crappy and inexperienced kiss? Or how about the forced friendship at the beach?

To his horror with a tinge of relief; the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders, after all, he found himself . . . accepting it. He accepted that some relationships just don't work out, and he accepted that the woman he fought tooth and nail for was about to slip through his grasp. In fact, metaphorically, he would loosen his fingers and widen the gap for her if he could.

Perhaps that's why he acted the way he did. Maybe that's why he felt he needed to feel at ease again.

No one could make him feel alive again, he knew that.

No one would be with him when he was down, he knew that.

No one could cure him, he knew that.

In that spring evening, Billy Mitman had discovered one moment that he knew would last; he needed someone to take care of him, and surely with a bit of help, it would come.

Nobody could hurt him anymore; not even a speck of pain.

Grasping the gleaming metal in his hands, he brought it closer to the place where he knew that all of his desires would be fulfilled.



Author's Note:

So, I guess this concludes the story. This is actually an accomplishment since it's the first time I've completed a Wattpad story, though I've written so many. Sometimes I just grew bored and deleted them, never to be seen again LOL.

As you can tell, this ending was probably not what you were expecting...

An alternative ending has been posted, if you're not satisfied with this one. I certainly know that I'm not satisfied with this one. Gosh, what was wrong with me when I wrote this? It'll stay here anyway, along with a few bonus chapters. 

Either way, this has been an amazing journey, and I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did.


Thanks for all the support, My Dear Readers!

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