Quirk Awakening and Consequences!!!

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Izuku, since he could remember, wanted to become a hero and protect people. He was really good friends with most of his classmates, but his two best friends were Katsuki Bakugou, though he prefers calling him Kacchan, and Mei Hatsume. Bakugou's quirk allowed him to sweat nitroglycerin and blow it up at will.

Izuku and Bakugou's relationship had been deteriorating ever since Bakugou's quirk awakened. One day, a day Izuku would remember any time he thought of how cruel the world is, a boy a year or two older than him that Bakugou had taken some things from, claiming that he would give the things back in a day or two. It had been 3 weeks since that day, and the boy decided to ask Izuku to get the things back for him. The thing he wanted back more than the others though, was a picture of him and his mother. The boy offered Izuku $2, which was the exact amount he needed to buy a gift he's been wanting to get for Mei, so he accepted.

The second he accepted, he felt power rush through him. When he next saw Bakugou, he rushed him, getting in a few lucky hits before Bakugou started fighting back. Bakugou was shocked by the power behind the punches, but couldn't let that effect him. He let Izuku get close before letting off an explosion to Izuku's chest. Izuku was knocked back a few feet, and his shirt was burnt pretty badly, but he would be fine. As Bakugou tried to take advantage of Izuku's position. Izuku, having planned for that, ducked under Bakugou's fist and delivered three punches to him. The first was to his thigh, about where the femoral artery is. The next was to his kidney. The last blow was delivered to his nuts, making Bakugou fall to the ground in pain. Izuku used this chance to rest.

A few minutes later, Bakugou got up and was about to attack Bakugou before he decided to attack the child, no older than three years old. Izuku saw this and rushed to take the attack instead. He managed to get there in time to intercept the explosion Bakugou was going to use on the child, but it left some nasty damage to his back. Major 3rd degree burns, bruised everywhere else along his back, his spine was clearly damaged and seeable and he was bleeding profusely from a multitude of other wounds which had been reopened. He moved with a scream of effort and defiance. His mind was racing at the moment, fueled by adrenaline. If he wasn't careful, the people behind him could get hurt. "Get away from here. Don't worry, I'll be fine," Izuku said to the mother and son.

"Sir, your back is really messed up at the moment. We should be the ones telling you to run away," the mother said, pointing out his wounds.

"I'll be fine if you guys get out of here. How about this? I'll buy you both some food if you two get out of here?" Izuku queried.

"Please don't get hurt, mister!" The son told him in a loud voice. Izuku knew Bakugou would be done letting himself rest from the attack he just used soon, so he decided to hurry the two others along. "See you later kid, okay?" He said with his best smile. The boy nodded, and he and his mother were running away. It was just him and Bakugou now.

"Could you please give the older kid his things back?" Izuku asked. Bakugou snorted in contempt. "Could you at least give him back his photo?"

"And why would I do that, Deku?" Bakugou asked in a cruel tone.

Izuku's eyes flashed a bright, glowing green. "Because if you don't, I'll make you," he said with anger in his voice, which is usually nothing but sunshine and joy. This startled Bakugou. The next words would torment him for a while to come. "Okay, Bakugou?" Izuku mock-asked in a creepy way before Bakugou's vision went black not a second later.

When he woke up, he found a note from Izuku telling him that he figured out his quirk.

Izuku didn't go to school for a month n' a half(AN: I'm from the south, don't judge) after. The little pink head that was a tech wiz and Izuku's only other friend, well only now, was also seeming stressed, was only working on one thing and actually got angry when it would explode. Three days later, The pinkette had calmed down. The next day, Izuku came back with a cane and a limp. "Hey guys, my quirk finally showed up. It's an...interesting quirk. I get what I need to do a job, be it weapons, speed strength, abilities, skills, knowledge, durability. You know, that kind of stuff. It doesn't give me the stamina or courage to do so though, bit yeah!" Izuku tells the class. All of them start praising him for his quirk. All but Bakugou. Then someone asked Izuku why he needed a cane. This intrigued everyone in the class except for two of them, who already know. Even the teachers were interested. Izuku just showed them a picture of his back after his fight with Bakugou. Everyone winced at this, especially Mei(the pink haired girl from earlier), who had to see the injury enough as is. She was the one who made his cane for him, and one other item, to be named later.

(Hi, I'm the Devil, and I forgot to turn on the mic last chapter. I'll try my hardest to upload on Fridays for this story and another one or two stories if I can swing it. Well, I gotta get back to He-! ... SATAN, I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME IF GOD TRIED TO ATTACK HELL!!!!!!! See ya'll next time, guys. I gotta get back to Hell.)

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