7 Years Later

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(Sorry if this seems rushed, I procrastinated. Real quick, when Izuku's eyes flash green like they did, it means he's going in for the take down or kill. It gives him five times the speed he had through out the fight and enough strength to knock them out or kill them if need be. He can do so longer than half a second, but it'll hurt him. He also has one more that he refuses to use. It's called The Revanant's Final Stand. If he uses this for more than five seconds he would die. It overloads him with power basically. With that said, let's get on with the story.)

Izuku was walking home from school one day when he heard a commotion coming from the next alleyway down. When he got there, his leg killing him from having ran there. What he saw made him angry and nauseous. There was a woman on the ground with three guys around her. The guys were leering at her and pulling down their pants. That's when Izuku realized these were the guys he was payed to take to prison. He decided to try the easy way.

"Hey, stop what you're doing, right now!" Izuku shouted at the three men. They turned to him and laughed.

"Oh, and what'll you do if we don't, tell you're mommy?!" One of them yelled. He had a more muscular build than the other two.

"Or maybe he'll hit us with his walking stick!!!" The next one said with a laugh. He was rather lanky and had fire coming from him.

"Or, or maybe he'll get some no name hero to get us," the last one said quietly, trying to breath properly, but failing because of how hard he laughed before. This one seemed to have scales and snake eyes. He then heard the news from outside the alleyway.

"Police and heros are still trying to find the vigilante known as the Plague Doctor. From witness testimony, we've found three things are a constant," Izuku then tapped something on his chest.

"The first thing is his green hair and eyes. He always tries to stop things peacefully first," a fabric-like substance starts loosely covering his torso.

"The second is his cane. Some people think he actually needs it in his everyday life," the substance then covers everything below his neck. On his hands and forearms are gloves. At this point, the three guys were starting to realize how fucked they were.

"The last thing is his costume. It looks like a plague doctor's outfit," as this last part was said, his costume finished assembling over him.

(His costume)

Izuku charged forward. The fire guy tried to blast him, but he couldn't seem to hit Izuku. Izuku, wanting to end this quickly, let his eyes flash green. He ran in as fast as he could.


He hit the guy at 78% with his cane, knocking him out. He started to run to the next guy.


He got to the snake guy quickly and punched him at around 93%. He was instantly unconscious.


Izuku started to feel his muscles tense up and pull. His heartbeat quickened and he felt his skin tear as he ran at his last opponent.


Izuku punched the last guy three times. The first punch strained Izuku's arm, but the guy was still standing.


The second punch, he felt his muscles pull and some of them even ripped under the strain. The man still stood and was still concious.


Izuku went in for one last punch. This punch just out right broke his arm. There were dozens of lacerations on his arm and it was bruised, bleeding and broken to high heaven.


He finally let his eyes go normal again. The second he did, the pain finally caught up to him. He screamed in absolute agony, not remembering to turn off his costume, so when All Might ran to see who was hurt, he saw a woman and the Plague Doctor in an alleyway with three people on the ground.

"All Might, get those guys to the police station and this woman to a doctor to make sure she's all right," Izuku said before he tried to walk away, but he felt his leg about to give out on him. All Might took the opportunity to try to take down the most wanted vigilante alive at the moment. Izuku caught himself with his cane before turning off his costume. When All Might saw a horribly injured kid, not even in high school, he panicked. All Might punched the kid in the back of the head lightly, knocking him out.

Izuku woke up in a white room. It seemed to be a nurse's office. He tried to stand, but his legs gave out and he fell back onto the cot.

When he did this, he flinched as his back hit the cot hard. He called for a nurse or something after guessing that he was in a hospital or a nurse's office. When he did, he saw a short woman who he considered to be his great-aunt of sorts.

"Great Auntie Chiyo!" Izuku said in a whisper-shout, knowing he was in a nurse's office, where people could be hurt and needing rest.

"Good to see you remember what I told you about shouting in here. You seem to be the only one who does," Recovery Girl said with some happiness with the last part being said under her breath.

"So, I'm guessing you want me to go correct them?" Izuku asked with a grin.

"Yes, but are you feeling okay?" Asked Chiyo, concern lacing her voice.

"Yeah, I was just trying to finish it quickly, so I went with my bright eyes instantly. If I'm being honest, it usually turns off after half a second," murmured Izuku before he stopped himself in case there were any patients in the nurse's office.

"Seriously, are you okay, Izuku? You looked pretty bad," Recovery Girl mode was in affect.

"I feel amazing," Izuku said. He really was fine, just wanting to go punch All Might back.

"Here, a penny for each of the three loudest repeat visitors and their names," she says while handing him three pennies and three names. He sees Present Mic, All Might and Miruko.(I'm making Miruko an early pro, starting at 13 years old, but wanted more training, so she joined UA) Izuku's grin became a full blown smile of joy. "This will be so much fun."

Izuku walked over to Class 3-A's classroom. Deciding to be a bit mean, he equipped his costume to cause maximum fear. He opened the door.

"Hello, I'm here for All Might, Miruko and Present Mic. If they come peacefully, I won't hurt anyone else," Izuku said in a flat tone. One student tried to attack him, but he was quickly knocked out. This continued until seven students were on the ground. That was when the three stepped forward, fully ready to fight for their lives. Izuku then grabbed all of them by the ears and dragged them away. When he got a few doors away, he hit All Might three times, once in the solar plexus, once in the gut and the last was aimed to where no man would wanna get hit. At the final hit, All Might collapsed to the ground in unending pain. "Be quiet in the nurse's office from now on."

He then went up to Present Mic and did the same thing. Present Mic started convulsing on the ground. He went up to his final victim.

(Good to see you again! A few things, one, sorry for the late update, you'll still get one on Friday. Second, should I have Miruko be with Izuku as well?



What's your thoughts on that? Anyways, gotta get back to Hell(am actually at school while writing this A.N.) But seriously, see y'all next time!!!)

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