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"The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is held invalid, the remainder of the Act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby."

This is what the greatest heist in history looks like, and since they don't have to use real money like gold and silver to pay people off, there is no scarcity or end to the fraud they can perpetrate, because they can conjure as much digital ether or Federal Reserve Notes as they want, making virtually everyone who uses the US "dollar" a debtor (dead ore) who must buy-shop (bishop) through trance-actions with Saint Ore (store), the ore saints. But as we've seen, sovereigns don't make purchases or buy things, for that would put them into the realm of commerce. Sovereigns convert gold or silver into land or other property. They use conversion. They don't hold "assets." They own property.

Through the Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933, in terms of the fictitious world of commerce, the blackest of all magick, the sovereign inhabitants of America were deemed enemies, and their sovereignty (as far as man's law is concerned) was banished from their native land, without their knowledge or consent, and they were thrust into the bondage of the law of the sea: maritime admiralty law. The public debt was converted into a Public Trust based on the ancient Roman Trust aforementioned. The sovereigns, under the blackest of all magick, became collateral for the public debt, along with their labor, their property, their souls, their credit, their sons and daughters, and their bodies.

Keep in mind that all of these laws are immoral, unnatural, and religious in their conception, and thus null and void in Nature. The problem is that order-followers are using violence and coercion (theft) to sustain them. Outside of the collective egregores, there is nothing binding about them in a spiritual sense.

The irony (iron-I, iron-king, iron-eye) of all this is not that they stole your freedom through declaring bankruptcy, but that the US Treasury was secretly closed twelve years earlier under the Independent Treasury Act of 1921, on June 30. This abolished the assistant treasurers and discontinued subtreasuries, then transferred their duties to the Federal reserve banks. It gives them join custody of trust funds. The Federal Reserve engineered the Great Depression behind the scenes, and while everyone was panicking from the chaos sorcery, they rolled out a solution that not only gave the Black Magi control of the money supply and destroyed the United States of America and her sovereign inhabitants, but also made them and their descendants collateral for perpetual remembrance. And for any of you leftist dunces that want to talk about the American Indians and the Europeans not being real inhabitants of America, that's a straw man argument. Many of us Americans, myself included, are part Native. My heritage comes from the Ani'Yun'wiya tribe: the Principle People, one of the only tribes that fought against the imperialists, so you can take that argument and burn it for all the good it'll do. I don't hold people who live in Tennessee accountable for how their ancestors destroyed my ancestors' tribe and stole our land. Keep the past in the past. This is about NOW. If you manifested into existence on American land, you're affected by this even though you had no part in its history. The people who were enslaved by this sorcery weren't even alive when America was colonized. And those of you who aren't American, well, don't feel left out because your slave farm has a similar system in place for you. The only difference is you're not under the delusion of being free like we are. Don't worry. You've got that birth certificate. Your ass is CATHOLIC. Get used to it.

And if there was any doubt to whether a bankruptcy was being declared, the Emergency Banking Relief Act gave each Federal reserve agent the authority to "act as agent of the Comptroller of the Currency."

Spirit Whirled: The Blackest of All MagickTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang