Chapter 26

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Dawson and Cleo look at the Doctor when James rushes into the room and sits down and looks at Dawson

"You better be taking your meds because If not then me and you are falling out, I took you in and I tried to help you" replied James

"It's got nothing to do with that James, his meds are not longer working" explained Doc "so we be giving him injections instead"

"I don't actually remember what happened" replied Dawson

"Cleo phoned me saying you wouldn't let her meet up with her friends so you ended up raping her, she thought you never took your meds but then she was worried when you passed out" explained James

"I raped you" said Dawson "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK"

Clam down babe" said Cleo "I'm fine"

"I still raped you babe" muttered Dawson

"It wasn't you babe" replied Cleo "your meds wasn't working properly"

Dawson nods as the doctors give Dawson new meds, James made sure he took his meds

"You know this happened to my brother Blake" replied James "his meds stopped working and he became more violent but he has schizophrenia"

"That's where you hear voices right, Wyatt has that you know Cook's brother" answered Cleo

"Didn't you and Cook date?" asked James

"Yeah when we were younger" replied Cleo "but he knew I liked Dawson so we split up"

"Cook should get tested for ADD" said James

"Yeah" replied Cleo "anyway can you drive us home please James?"

"Sure" said James

James drove Cleo and Dawson home as they sat watching movies for the rest of the day.

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