Chapter 11

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Two weeks passed and Cleo and Dawson was in class and Cleo ends up having a panic in the middle of lesson and Cook, Freddie, JJ and Dawson knows as Dawson takes her outside the school grounds but she kicks him so hard

"Hey babe calm down it's me" said Dawson "I'm here babe"

Dawson gives Cleo a cigarette as she starts smoking but ends up in a coughing fit as Cook burst out laughing "not like that you need to take your time Cleo" Cleo nods and smokes more getting use to it

"It will help with your PTSD it helps me" answered Dawson "it helps me calm down"

"Hey Cleo you can smoke it if you want" replied Freddie

"Yeah I will smoke it, he right it does help a lot" answered Cleo "we should all have a sleepover at ours"

"Dude yeah we should I remember last time we had a sleepover actually it was all of us Dawson was leaving to go and live with his dad" explained Cook

"Dude oh yeah I remember" replied Freddie "we all slept in my shed, it was hilarious because Cook fell of the couch"

"It was sad to say goodbye to Dawson as well" answered JJ "I just didn't want him to leave us but he had no choice"

They play the video. They are standing at a bus station, Freddie is holding Cleo's hand as JJ wipes his eyes whilst Cook standing there whistling

"Hey you know you guys can have a sleepover without me right" replied Dawson

"Won't be the same without you bro" explained Freddie "you make the gang better"

"It's more funny as well" replied Cleo

"Yeah I know, I'm the one who make you guys laugh and piss yourselves" answered Dawson

"True" chuckles JJ

They all hug Dawson and watch him get on the bus as they wave goodbye to him, Cook looks at his friends "we be seeing him again you know, he be back one day" the others look at him confused and they follow him to the shed "friends don't leave for good so they will be back"

"Yeah true but he living with his parents now Cook" explained JJ

They sit down on the couch as Cleo rest her head on Cook's shoulder, they were dating but Cook knew she doesn't fancy him and she fancies Dawson and he happy for her. Cook smiles and kisses her softly "Cook"

"Hmm" said Cook

"I don't want to be with you anymore" replied Cleo

"Yeah I figured that out, you fancy Dawson" answered Cook "you love him"

Cleo nods "yeah I'm sorry" she looks down but Cook makes her look up at him and he sees hurt and sadness in her eyes

"Hey it's okay Cleo" explained Cook "Dawson fancies you too, you know he loves you but he never showed it because he didn't want to hurt me" he pauses "I'm happy for you Cleo" Cleo nods and smiles "I'm happy that you fancy Dawson and not me"

"What that suppose to mean?" asked Cleo

"I'm not worth it Cleo" answered Cook "I never been worth it you know, I'm just some stupid kid and a criminal"

"Cook you are worth it" replied Cleo "I know you are worth it because I dated you didn't I?"

Cook and Cleo kiss for one last time before Cook leaves with JJ

"We sleep here?" asked Freddie

"Yeah we sleep here" replied Cleo

Freddie and Cleo falls asleep. The video finished and the gang look at one another

"Wow" said Dawson

Cleo giggles.

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