Chapter 17

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It was a start of a new year and DJ's birthday is coming up, Cleo wants to do something special for it so she spoke to her friends brother who decided to throw a party for him. Freddie took DJ out for the day while the others sort the party

"Alright so a chocolate cake" replied Cook "I got the cake, the decorations are up so Fred should be back with DJ"

DJ came running in giggling as Freddie chases him, DJ stops when he sees Cleo and Dawson standing together

"Mummy why is he here?" DJ asked while pointing at Dawson "I don't like him mummy, he hurt me badly"

"Sweetie he my boyfriend" Cleo explained and hugs DJ "he has something wrong with him he didn't mean to rape you"

DJ nods and smiles at Dawson. Cleo leads Dawson outside to see a scar on his arm "babe why did you carve your own name into you?"

"So people know who I am" replied Dawson "so they won't mess with me babe"

Cleo nods and as they both kiss. They head back inside as Cleo lights the candles on DJ's cake when everyone starts to sing happy birthday to him and he blows them out

"You made a wish" replied Cleo

"Yes mummy" said DJ "I made a big wish"

"Awesome" said Cleo

Dawson smiles "so does that wish involves Money?" DJ shakes his head laughing "alright I give in, I stop guessing"

The day ended with a movie as Cleo and Dawson head home to their own bed. Cleo snuggles up to Dawson tight knowing he won't hurt her because he took his meds

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