Chapter 15

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Cleo is just finishing cleaning the table and goes into the back room to grab her coat and waves goodbye to her boss, Cleo makes her way through the streets and walks past a alleyway when a hand grabbed her from behind and drags her into the alleyway.

"Let me go" Cleo screamed whilst struggling to get free "what you doing?"

"Well you put my best friend in prison" answered Ty "you know Jordan"

"Him, he raped me loads of times" answered Cleo "he deserves to be locked away, and I had his child. I lied to my boyfriend saying it's his"

"Cute" replied Ty "well your not getting away with it either, I'm getting payback"

"Payback because I put your friend in prison" replied Cleo "fuck you"

Ty pins her against the wall and unbuttons her trousers and takes them off and then unbutton his own trousers and moves his boxers down, Cleo kicked and screamed as another boy gags Cleo

"HMMM" Muffled Cleo

Ty chuckles and then wraps her legs around his waist and starts to thrust into her making squirm about, Ty thrust fast as Cleo ends up bouncing making Ty moan

"That's good" moaned Ty "very good"

Ty keeps thrusting as Cleo let's the tears slip and start hitting Ty across the back as Ty flings her to the ground as she lands breaking her hand as she looks at Ty scared

"Deserve you right for hitting me" replied Ty

"Hmm" muffled Cleo "Hmm"

Ty slaps her and grabs her by the hair as she screams but no one can hear her because it's muffled. The other boys watch when Cook sees her and runs over but the gang has gone, Cook ungags Cleo and takes her to the hospital

"She has a broken hand" replied Doctor

Cleo nods as Cook takes her home. Dawson runs over and hugs her tightly

"I should have picked you up babe, I'm so sorry" apologised Dawson

"It's fine anyway DJ is Jordan's son not yours" answered Cleo "I heard what you did to him and Fred said he going to look after him instead"

"Right" answered Dawson

Cleo and Dawson kiss as Dawson carries her upstairs, Cook leaves the house locking the door behind him while Dawson cuddles Cleo close to him

"Babe" yawned Cleo "I love you"

"I love you too" mumbled Dawson

dawn to dusk Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora