Chapter 14

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Dawson and DJ are playing in the back garden as Freddie walks towards them "hey you two, Dawson you looking after DJ"

"Yeah, he is my son after all" answered Dawson

Freddie nods and leaves as Dawson grabs DJ and drags him upstairs. Dawson doesn't know how to handle children on his own so he decided to rape the poor child making him scream and cry. Cook walks past the house and hears the screaming as he bolts into the house and runs upstairs and grabs Dawson


Dawson shrugs and looks at Cook. Cook picks DJ up and leaves the house, they make their way to Freddie's shed to see JJ and Freddie sitting down talking

"Cook why do you have DJ?" JJ asked looking at Cook "Please don't tell me you stole him from Dawson, you stole him from Dawson didn't you"

"Well not really" answered Cook

"JAMES COOK TELL US NOW" bellowed Freddie

"I saved DJ's life, Dawson raped the poor kid dudes" Cook said whilst holding a crying DJ "I'm lucky I walked past the house when I did or the kid could have been dead man"

"Fuck" cursed Freddie "I should have stayed with him"

"Don't blame yourself dude" answered Cook

"Cook I'm going to look after DJ and if Cleo asks just tell her the truth" replied Freddie "but for now I'm going to speak to Dawson"

Cook nods as Freddie heads to Dawson's house

"OI DAWSON YOU GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DO" Freddie shouted punching Dawson

"What the fuck Fred?" asked Dawson

"Why would you rape your son for?" asked Freddie

"I don't know I just felt like it Fred" replied Dawson "he was annoying me so much"

"You don't deserve a fucking kid Dawson" yelled Freddie "so I'm adopting DJ because you clearly can't look after him, wait until I tell Cleo"

Dawson shrugs at Freddie as he watches Freddie leave. Freddie arrives back at his shed to hear Cook singing to DJ

"Yay again" squealed DJ "AGAIN"

Cook laughs and starts singing again until DJ fell asleep. Freddie smiles at Cook

"Where's JJ?" Freddie asked

"JJ left" replied Cook "are you sure you be fine looking after DJ by yourself?"

"Yeah I be fine" replied Freddie "he my nephew after all Cook, thanks for asking anyway"

"No problem" answered Cook

Cook leaves as Freddie places DJ on the couch and places a blanket over him and goes to the other couch and falls asleep.

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