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You sigh as you finally finished the work that has been given to you today. As you type in the last words for it to be finally done, a smile escapes from your lips as you stretch your arms.

"Oh, wow Y/N. You finished fast! Are you in a rush or something?"

You look to your right and roll your (e/c) eyes at your best friend, Wendy. She's been your best friend ever since you met her. You both came to the same middle school, she's been there for you both ups and downs. And both of you have taken the same job.

You shrug and get all of your things, "Maybe, if you're not that lazy you'll finish just as fast as me." I sarcastically said and she just frowned.

"Aren't you joining me at our 'squad reunion' later?" she said almost whining like a child.

You pretend that you haven't been informed with this information and looked at her dumbfounded. Nonetheless, she just glares at you. Not biting your excuses.

You just chuckle, "Sorry, babe. I need my sleep." You told her and waved her goodbye. You started to walk away from Wendy when she shouted at you and frustrated you left her.

"We don't even have work tomorrow Y/N!" You heard her shout but you didn't look at her and just continue to walk, silently laughing. You thought of just texting her later, saying sorry.

As you exit the building of where you work, you notice the sky getting darker. You cuss underneath your breath and start to run to the bus station. You remembered you forgot your umbrella and decided to fasten your pace.

As soon as the bus pulls up in front of you, you quickly get inside of it. You took a seat inside the bus and looked at the dim sky and hoping not to rain yet. You fear being at home wet, and the thought of you getting sick was out of your schedule since your planning of watching Netflix tonight.

But, as soon as you get out of your bus to stop at your station, raindrops start to fall. You started to run as possible to your apartment, your sling bag on the top of your head. Try to keep your head dry as possible. But, you stopped running when you saw a bird.

A bird that is quite familiar with you, with its white feathers that is starting to wet by the rain. Standing there looking at you. A dove looking at you with its pleading eyes.

You didn't know what to do or think, but you wanted to go home and dry yourself. You can feel your clothes starting to soak in water. You look again to the dove, still standing and still looking at you with its pleading eyes. You wonder why the dove is not moving from its spot and just looking at you.

You looked closely and saw its feet bleeding, you gasp and quickly go to the bird, pity was all over your system. As you get closer to the bird, you expect it to flinch or run away from you but it didn't.

You hold it without a ruckus and put it in the top of your bag, it didn't help the both of you since it's still raining and both of you are wet. Nonetheless, you smiled at the dove as if to comfort it.

"Don't worry, birdy. You'll be dry in no time. Now, buckle up, we need to run." You told the bird and the bird just looked at you but you saw how its other feet that are not bleeding hold on to your bag.

As soon as you arrive at your apartment, you reach for a clean towel not for you to use but for the bird to use. You put it on your couch and started to dry its feathers not to scare the little thing. Surprisingly, the bird didn't straggle at your touch.

After you finish you tap the head of the bird and the bird leans in your touch, a smile escapes from your lips when you see what it does. It's too cute for you.

"You're cute." you told the bird and pat it more, "Now let me change first. So, stay here birdy." You told the bird and got up to change.

As soon as you get your clothes and change, you think if you'll keep the bird. You've been thinking of getting a pet these past few days but you didn't expect a bird or a dove, to be specific, to be your pet. You don't know how to take care of a bird, but you know you can learn it since it's your first time.

You sigh and you remember that the bird has been bleeding earlier, you took a bandage and alcohol with you and quickly went outside to your living room. But, to your surprise, the dove is not there. Your eyes explore the entire living room to find the dove but it's nowhere inside your living room. You thought that it had left but it's still raining outside and your window is close.

But, then you were startled when you started to hear noise from your kitchen. Panic is now taking over your whole system when you start to walk to your kitchen, you hear a noise again and this time it's the noise of pouring water.

As you peek into your kitchen, your eyes widen, when you saw a grown man inside your kitchen, drinking water. You observed its features and gulped as you realize, the man is handsome. He has brown hair, pink plumped lips, and long eyelashes. Your eyes slowly go down to his Adam's apple going up and down. Your eyes continue to go down to his cheekbones until his toned chest, gulping at your sight, you cuss under your breath and scold yourself.

You shouldn't be observing the grown man, you need to do something! You didn't know what to do since you don't have a weapon with you. so, you thought of confronting him here and then.

You hesitantly step inside getting his attention to you, his brown eyes stare at you carefully. You gulped and tried to compose yourself and try to get the words you wanted to tell the grown man.

"Who are you!?" you shouted and looked at him, he still didn't leave yours. Suddenly, you had the urge to study him again, your sinful eyes slowly went down to his waist to see a white towel that looked so familiar to you.

That's the towel I got for the bird!

and now..it's covering another..bird.

wait, what.

You snapped back at your reality and looked into his eyes again, his eyes seemed to observe you quietly. Slowly, you felt your cheeks burning up and your ears getting red.

Omg, Y/N. Did I just..omg.

"Answer me!" You shouted again and stepped one more closer to him, he flinched and stepped back and lost his balance but he held to the end of the dining table for him not to lay down. You heard him growl out of pain and you quickly turn your head at his foot. You gasp when you see it bleeding.


"Help.. please." he quietly pleaded and looked at you with the same pleading eyes like the bird did to you. Suddenly, without thinking you run to him and help him to get up properly.

"Come, I'll stop you from bleeding." You said and guided him carefully back to the living room. You didn't know what to think at the moment. A naked grown man, growling in pain and now laying at your blue couch.

You didn't know what to do, but you just cuss when you saw how bad his cut was from his feet.

What am I getting into?


that was bad! but oh well? Haha.

edited 09/05/20

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