The end!

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Alright Fam, so as you can tell this chapter is called 'The End' but, let me just stop you right there.

This is the end of these Oneshots. I will be uploading still, I have created '13th Doctor OneShots S2' too go with S12.

As you know the start of these oneshots was from the Doctor Who BBC Wattpad's competition thingy too put yourself in the episode from S11, that's how all this started. And then I continued with my own Fics after.

I might start S2 with a fic if my own, but S2 will be following S12 episode (do not worry I have a warning about spoilers) not every chapter will be following the season. Well I'm hoping to keep up with me posting a chapter in between, like between episodes so you have one that follows the episode the week before, and then one that does not, it might be two are from the episodes then one not if that makes sense?

It will follow S12 but as you know it won't be all the same, and instead of waiting to continue when S12 finishes there will be some of my own adventures put in there somewhere we will see how well it all works out and what way flows.

Hopefully the Who Watty does the same as last year as it was fun.

However I'd like to just say one other thing to this, my chapters if they are the ones following the episode, will have the episode title that way you know, it also will be uploaded a week after the episode airs to give time for people to watch then read.

I'd also like too thank each and everyone of you who have read and enjoyed this fic, thank you all for your support and I hope you follow us to the Second section.

Much love J💜

Enjoy S12 everyone. Enjoy OUR DOCTOR BEING BACK YESSSSSSSS!!😍🥺😭

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