A little Song!

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Alright, guys so we all know that I have had a plot in the background of these one-shots some of you might not so if you didn't catch on to where I was going Surprise. I hope you enjoy this chapter if anyone has any recommendations for any future chapters or ideas let me know.

J had gone home for a couple of days she had asked the Doctor if it was okay just to visit. The Doctor nodded and took her home.

After leaving J the Doctor went back into the Tardis and set coordination back to Sheffield to pick up Ryan, Yaz and Graham.

The Tardis She landed with a small thud, the Doctor stroked the side of the console and said "Oh, old girl what is it?", she questions.

The Tardis Hummed underneath the Doctor, the Doctor was a little confused but she pushed it past her and said "Well old girl whatever it is I hope your not gonna keep us in Sheffield", she laughs.

The Doctor had gone to collect her friend once they all were back in the Tardis, the Tardis starts to move and in seconds they were in the vortex again.

"Erm Doc is your ship supposed to be doing that on its own?", asked Graham

"She, She", said the Doctor "And well no I never set anywhere for us to go, but she's taken us somewhere well I say no but sometimes she can well take me somewhere ahhh I haven't listened I am sorry old girl. Okay okay so where are we off too", The Doctor said running towards the console looking at the screen as she strokes the side of the screen.

"Are you seriously stroking the screen?", asks Ryan as he laughs.

"Well, yes she feels you know don't you Sexy", the Doctor says smiling.

A hum could be heard and Yaz nudged Ryan he looks at her "What?", he says rubbing his side.

"Well you underestimated the Tardis", she smiles his way and he smiles back.

"Oh, well I'm I'm sorry", he looks puzzled before saying "Sexy?", and he looks towards the Doctor Who is laughing at him and another hum could be heard.

The Tardis had landed once again. It was the First of January 2004 the name of the place was unclear it was all messed up the letters all everywhere it made no sense.

"Why have you brought us here old girl?", the Doctor rubs her chin.

Suddenly there was small bangs or knocks no one could really tell coming from the door. The Doctor looked at the door along with everyone else.

"Is, is there actually someone knocking or? it's Barely hearable", wondered Yaz as she turns towards the Doctor.

"There are only a few species in this world that would knock like that, one Trigongs they are small and have basically wee fists, another would be Plinth they are somewhat tinier than a child just born but they don't and can't breath Earth air and last but not least a child", the Doctor walks towards the door.

Once she gets there she can hear muffled crying, and then another knock followed by "Please Pl Pl-Please open up what-what why-why can't I get it. Help me pleaseeee they are coming for me, please. S she told me to run to the blue box she said it would open why-why did she lie to me", as a little girl continued to cry outside the Tardis there was a Hum off the Tardis herself encouraging the Doctor to open the Door.

The Doctor did just that she opened the door, a small blonde haired girl was standing there with tears down her face, she had on yellow leggings and a grey T-shirt that said sunshine with ice cream. She had no jacket or shoes she was barefooted. She looked up at the woman In Front of her.

"T-Thank You, please shut the door they will come if you don't", she cries and latches onto the Doctors leg backing away from the door to allow it to shut.

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