Not Chrsitmas!

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Yaz had been sitting on her bed when her phone pinged 'Thank god, For the Doctor making our phones work anywhere' she says to herself as she looks at the message.

It was from her mum.

Mama-'Merry Christmas Yaz, I hope we will see you soon. Be nice to see you Even bring that friend of yours, The Doctor? And Graham and Ryan I'm sure they will appreciate the food as well. Your sister has been worrying about whether she can open your gifts or not LOL, your father is still collecting Trash, *Rolling eye emoji* Anyways, have a good day my Love, I love you ~Mum'

Yaz, rolls her eyes at her Mother's message especially that she signed it 'mum' she laughs at that, as she replies,

Yaz-'Ha, well if it's mine she can't tell her if she does then I get to open hers. And oh it's Christmas already? Well we will definitely pop round. Love you XoXoXo'

She gets up off her bed, practically running to the Console room. As she gets there Ryan, Graham and The Doctor we're discussing where to go next,

"Ahh, Yaz, you can help us out here The Doc doesn't know where to go now, she is stuck between earth and a Planet I agree to a Planet, yet Ryan wants to go to Earth. Not sure where J or River is but tell us where do you wish to go?" Graham waits for her reply along with the others.

"Well, I'd like to go home, It's Christmas according to my mother's message, nearly 2020 in our time it seems, she wishes to see me and you lot are invited you too Doctor, so I said we'd go is that okay?" She looks between the Gang.

"Yeah, That is fine with me," Graham says,

"Absolutely, Christmas at Yaz's? That's splendid never had Christmas at Yaz's, That's better than Tea at Yaz's mind we never even had the Tea." The Doctor rambles.

"At least I know where I get my rambling from, no matter the regeneration it seems I'll also keep it" J laughs as she entered the Console, she had previously been in the kitchen, the Jam on her chin suggests so.

Ryan starts too laugh at her "What?" She asks curiously 'Was that even that funny?' She asks herself.

"You have a little~" Yaz touches the left side of her own chin to gesture to J she had something on it.

J blushes off embarrassment, though this isn't the first time this has happened, heck, not even the tenth. River comes in soon after,

"What's with~" she starts to laugh at her daughter,

"Oh, sweetie it seems some Jam~" She was cut off by J.

"I Know, I know look, sometimes shit~" now she was cut off by River.

"Language" she raises an eyebrow.

J scoffs, "Sorry, look as I was saying sometimes when you have some great delicious food it gets on you" she says pointing a finger.

"Jam and cheese on a sandwich is a debatable thing," Ryan says serious thinking 'How could she even like that?' He wonders to himself he tried it, 'Don't knock it till you try it' J says, and it was never pleasant he really didn't like it 'Each to their own' he thinks.

Rather no one liked it but J not even the Doctor did, well so they thought no one else did.

"It's actually quite delicious" River says, as she remembered eating it when she was pregnant, most Likely due to J but she still enjoyed it ever so often, Ryan cringes at River shaking his head.

"Right then gang" The Doctor grins, she goes over and types in coordinations to Christmas Day 2019, about the afternoon. She pulls the lever and off they go.

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