Queen River.

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Hey everyone one hope you enjoyed the first part of this here is the second and let me know your thoughts. This one is longer than the first part also.


An explosion had gone off right in front of their eyes, however, it was at the doors. J and Stev were at the back. But the blast still caused them to get hurt.

J sits up her ears ringing, and she looks around for the young boy. She gets up pain in her head she ignored when she starts moving towards the table she hits her arm off of a chair as she trips over another chair.

She never noticed her arm till now, it had been bleeding her elbow bone was slightly poking out with the blast pushing her backwards she must have hit it off something causing it to break it she yelps in pain.

She sees one of the Guards more close to where the Bang came from she runs overseeing he was clearly dead. His neck had been cut badly by a piece of glass that had fallen from above, she takes off the man's jacket, she shuts his eyes and puts the jacket over his head. She then takes her other arm, checking the man's pockets.

He had what looked like a pocket knife she whispers 'Sorry', to the man as she cuts his T-shirt off. She then puts it around her arm causing her to scream in pain. There was no time to use Regeneration energy to fix her arm she had to find Stev in the hope he's alright. She couldn't see him yet.

Within all the smoke from the fire that's spreading slowly, she sighs turning back down to sort her arm. She got her arm all wrapped up, she takes the knife and puts it in her pocket in case she needed it.

Then came the sounds of coughing she follows the sound back to where she originally had been thrown too, she turns 360 degrees and there he was laying coughing under a little bit of dust that had come from the ceiling above, she notices the ceiling is at any moment going to come down. She rushes over to the young boy and asks him,

"Stevia can you hear me?" She kneels down beside him but He just cries out.

"Stev it's okay its J are you hurt?", she asks he continues to cry and she looks up seeing little flecks of ceiling coming down, she is scared if it completely comes down they both will be crushed but she won't leave this boy thankfully there is no glass at this part as she's sure if there was it would have come down with the rest.

"Stev I need you to say something anything work with me to get you out are you hurt?", she says and he just cries.

"Stev are you hurt?", she repeats this time, the boy coughs still crying he manages to say something.

"My-my foot Princess my Foot, please" he cries "don't let me die", he cries out.

This hurts J in the chest, she says "you are not going to die I'm going to get you out of here", she gets up kneeling over helping the boy up, "don't put pressure on your ankle", she says as they began to move he hops over away from the ceiling.

She leans down and with her good arm lifts him up he was light conceding he looked about 6/7 years old not that they were heavy at that age as much but one hand it just was weird how light the boy was.

She gets over to the other corner that looked safer and as she does she sits herself and the boy down, he continues to cry thinking they won't get out of this. And some part of J was also scared thinking this she cuddles the boy to comfort herself and him.

Just as this the ceiling the boy was under crumbles they were the only two alive so far, the other guard was right at the centre of the blast we won't go into the details of what J saw as the  blasted threw her back.

The boy continues to cry as J looks around figuring a way out she could if she could handle the pain lift herself and the boy out the broken ceiling that whole end collapsed she just had to move most the building bricks to see out to get out Or get away out from the wall that had caved down in.

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