Steps on Vacation

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"Look, Lee! Look at that!" I say with pure excitement. "Lee! Look at that!"

As we walk through the streets of Rome - where we're filming our newest music video but are also enjoying a vacation together - I can't help but be fascinated by all of this. Such a beautiful city! And we just walked past some street artists who were performing a kind of dance that I don't know at all - maybe a Samba? Anyways, they look so great and I want to show Lee because of him sharing my love for dance - but he already walked off alongside the others. And I don't even see them in the crowd anymore.

I look around confused and a bit scared. I'm in a foreign country where I don't even know the language! How am I supposed to even book a train? I don't know the name of our hotel - because Claire, our band leader, took the duty of organising that all. Oh dear. Little tears are rolling down my cheeks as I'm standing here, looking around in utter confusion, met with the people who stare at me.


I shrug when someone shouts my name, sighing relieved when the band walks over. "Faye, you idiot, why are you walking off like that!" Claire shouts. "Yes, let me guess - you were watching the street artists and I appreciate your love for dance but walking off in a foreign country, I mean, what would Pete say?"

"Sorry, wasn't my intention." I say silently although I can't help but laugh as well. "Can we walk through the city now?"

Claire shakes her head at these words but doesn't add anything. Instead she and H walk closely together and in front of us while I'm walking between Lisa and Lee. "So how were the street artists?" Lee asks with a amused smile. 

"They were so great! We should do proper dancing in our music videos as well." I smile.

"I agree. Our dancing is fine but proper dancing would be a great opportunity to show that we not only can sing but also dance." Lisa approves happily. She stops at a shop, admiring a dress that looks somehow familiar. So while Lisa literally grabs my hands to take me into the shop with her Lee calls H and Claire back. They arrive next to us, rather annoyed, and with their arms folded. 

"What?" Claire asks. "Don't tell me you want to go shopping now?"

She definitely isn't fond of shopping but the shop looks pretty decent. "Look." Lisa explains. "Remember that dress you wore at the audition? The dress I always was jealous of? Just look what they sell!" she squeals happily. Admittedly the dress looks very similar to that one from the audition - and it seems like Lisa even found her size. 

"I see. You're still upset that I couldn't borrow you that dress because of your height?" Claire asks. Lisa agrees shyly, looking through her stuff for her money. "Okay, fine. As an apology for being so mean to you recently, let's buy you the dress." Claire sighs, taking the dress in one hand and Lisa by the other as they walk towards the cashier.

Rather bored by this all I look at what else the shop offers. Magazines with celebrity gossip, little souvenirs and hats - the usual stuff you find when in a city for tourists. I grin at myself as I try on of of these hats - laughing about my own self. For a moment I plan to buy this hat for pure entertainment purposes but then I decide to spend my money on something else, maybe as a nice little gift for the street artists or to buy the band little souvenirs. 

"Faye?" Lee asks, calling me over. I walk back to him, seeing Lisa smiling at us with her newly bought dress. Lee seems as if he bought something as well - hiding it behind his back when I try to see what it is. "It's a secret." he says. 

"Pity." I reply with a smile. 

"Okay guys, before you'll buy the complete shop, let's go to our hotel now. We need to prepare a bit more for this music video, I hope you all took your outfits with you or otherwise the styling crew will be very angry." Claire interrupts our behaviour of joking around, the usual answer we give her is a sigh. We almost forgot that we're here for filming a music video - not that we mind, but the song simply led to arguments previously. Pete wants H and Claire on the lead while the rest of us should literally just 'smile along to the music' or at least that's how Lisa said it. She's definitely angry about that so it's good to see her and Claire getting along and buying each other stuff. As we walk through the city and towards our hotel, Lisa and H are telling jokes to us or each other, their laughter echoing across the streets. Claire is looking at the book she bought (finding it in a shop that sells books in English) because she already read the book she took with her to this vacation. Lee and me are walking next to each other, taking pictures of the city (and each other) and occasionally laughing when hearing the jokes that Lisa and H are talking. 

We arrive back at the hotel, sitting down around the table together as we plan to rehearse a bit. Let's say: we plan to rehearse but instead are talking about all possible topics except for our music video. "Hey Lee, what did you bought earlier?" I ask curiously. 

"Told you it's a surprise." he laughs. "I will tell you after our music video when we all deserve a little present."

I act like being angry, folding my arms while laughing. As if to change the subject we indeed start practicing our song - or basically we're listening to H and Claire, occasionally humming along or stating our opinion. Jokingly, we also sing along to a few of our previous songs - now with us all happily joining. But after a while we're bored of that and so we decide to go to our respective hotel rooms. Sighing I walk over to my door, hesitating, before turning to Lee. "Lee, would you like us to, I don't know, play cards or something? Watching a movie?" I ask, shyly biting my lip at these words. 

"Sounds lovely." he replies much to my surprise. We walk into my room and I blush at seeing the chaos - thanks to me not being a tidy person at all. I tell Lee to sit down, offering him a drink while doing one for myself too before sitting down next to him. "Do you want to know what I bought?" he asks. 

"Of course!" I say full of excitement - not knowing if it's purely because of the stuff he bought. He opens the little box, showing a little teddybear with a t-shirt that pictures a photo of the location we're set to film at. I know that they sell this in the souvenir shop but it's such an adorable idea! "That's so cute, thank you!" I laugh, blushing. 

He laughs back, ruffling through my curls as he always uses to do. Gladly he can't see how much I'm literally blushing at the moment because of him being as adorable as he simply is. I really love this guy so much. Even as he takes me into his arms, I wish to simply kiss him. "You mean a lot to me. You're my best mate." he says silently. 

I smile at these words. "You're mine too."

And I love you so much.

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