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Our newest music video, based on a cover song, features a wedding. Only a staged wedding obviously, none of us girls thinks about marrying our partners yet. Although, upon looking at ourselves in these dresses, us girls can't help but smile. The costume department was done relatively quickly with styling me since they didn't need to style my hair - as I'm wearing it in dreadlocks as previously decided. It's definitely something different and I really like that style, although knowing that I will change my hairstyle again as soon as seeing something that I'm approving of even more.

"Hello there, beautiful girl." Lee greets me, a grin appearing on his face. Admittedly, he looks stunning in this dress and- wait. No. I shouldn't even dare to think about him like that when still being in a relationship. Yes, Giovanni decided to go to other dance classes meanwhile (since that meeting with his former mates he takes ballroom and latin classes again) and yes, we were shouting at each other (and said quite insulting words) but that shouldn't allow me to flirt with someone else. Despite that fits those stupid romance movies.

"Hello there, handsome boy." I giggle, walking around him while acting like being part of the costume crew too. "Nice work they did there. Honestly, in that suit every girl would be happy to marry you."

Well done, really. What a inappropriate sentence to say.

"Thanks." Lee replies back, gladly laughing. "And every guy would be happy to marry someone like you. I mean, look at you!" he adds. An odd silence appears between us and we both seem to realise how flirty that was. Trying to change the subject, Lee says something that I didn't intend to talk about. "And where's Giovanni? Busy with dancing?"

I sigh. "He takes ballroom and latin classes again. Prefers them than dancing with us. But oh well." I shrug, guessing what the answer would be. 

Despite Lee doesn't tell us his remarks about Giovanni, I know exactly what his thoughts would be. However, he replies something else. "Sorry about that. Would you like to go to a bar with us later? I know I'm not your partner but-"

"It's fine." I reply with a smile. "Honestly. I would be delighted to spend time with you."

"Then off we go." Lee replies back, smiling too, as he puts his arms around me while we walk towards the location.

The band welcomes us with a grin and we watch H whispering something towards the others. 

"Teasing us again?" I ask with a laugh. 

"Oh, I just told them that you look like you're about to get married." H explains. A blush appears on my cheeks at these words. Yes that was what I thought too previously. But isn't that odd? That I'm in a relationship with Giovanni, that I told Lee to accept that and yet I imagine us to be at our own wedding just because we're in these outfits? Am I actually in love with Lee? I don't know. What I know is that I don't want to cheat on Giovanni and that I still love him. Maybe I behave like this because of our relationship being not that harmonic recently. It's not that we just argue but he also prefers to spend time with his dance mates. "It was just a joke, don't look at me like that." H interrupts my thoughts, thinking that I'm actually upset about his remark when I'm actually upset about how my relationship is developing. 

"Nevermind." I reply, grinning at him. Gladly we can't take this conversation any further since the director tells us to take our places now. It's me who'll start to sing so I take a place next to my video husband, acting like I would indeed marry him. Oddly enough, I find myself imagining that that guy next to me is Lee - shrugging slightly when realising that I need to focus on filming that video. Fair to mention, it only partly works. After filming the video, including the dance part with our backing dancers, I find myself sitting alone with my thoughts drifting off. 

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