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While I sit in the taxi that takes me to the flat where Giovanni lives, I let my thoughts wander around this 'meeting' - as I decided for myself not to talk about us dating yet because, honestly, we aren't dating yet.

The thing is, I really like Giovanni. He's handsome and, admittedly, we would kinda be a cute pairing. But I also like Lee although I don't know if there are romantic feelings for him or if I'm just confused because of him kinda stating that he likes me. Although him behaving that jealous wasn't exactly a nice character feature. I just don't want an odd atmosphere in between the band but then again, Lee isn't allowed to forbid me who to love.  Lisa and Claire are dating boys from the dance crew too and he doesn't mind. So why is he angry with me? Because he loves me. But I love Giovanni - or do I?

I sigh as the taxi stops, thanking the driver with an honest smile and handing him the money. Judging by his expression he probably wants to tell me something like 'Enjoy' but gladly he stops himself from a remark like this. I decided not to dress to posh, not wanting Giovanni to get the wrong idea of me. Yes we aren't really that part of the music and celebrity industry so I don't want him to think of me - or us - as arrogant. 

I ring the doorbell and Giovanni opens the door with a flashing smile. "Welcome." he exclaims all cheerful. He isn't as shy as back at the audition although there's an obvious blush on his cheeks. "Come in." 

I walk into the flat, stunned about how lovely it looks. He really knows how to decorate a room and he really made it looks so nice, seeming like wanting to appear like a true gentleman - and admittedly, it works. "It looks lovely." I tell him. 

"Thanks." he replies. "Take a seat. You want a drink?" 

"Yes, thank you." I answer, telling myself to be more confident and start a conversation with him now. "So, you live here?"

Wow, well done. Obviously he lives here. 

"Yes." he laughs. "When I moved here from Italy that was all I could afford. But it's nice, isn't it?"

"Absolutely. I'm living with my parents but I like decorating my room too." 

I watch Giovanni as he sits down next to me, putting down our drinks as he smiles. "And what else are you doing? Besides the band, I mean. You were created just recently so what were you doing before that?"

"Working at a shop in my hometown. I occasionally tried for stage production there too."

"At the shop?" Giovanni asks confused. "What kind of shop was that?" 

"What? Oh, no." I giggle. "I mean, besides working at the shop. These stage productions were at our local theatre - but they usually wanted someone who was more their idea of a performer." 

"Why, didn't you look like a performer?"

"Well, they didn't liked my dreadlocks they said. They said I look like a rocker."

"Hence why you're now in a pop band." Giovanni laughs and I laugh back, glad about how great this conversation is going. 

"But let's not just talk about me. What about you?"

"Oh, well. I took dance lessons back in Italy too - including ballroom and latin, which I absolutely adore. But dancing with bands is also a great opportunity." he explains. 

"Ballroom and latin?" I squeal. "That's amazing! It's so beautiful to watch." 

He raises his brows, stunned by what he was told. "Indeed. I didn't expected someone like you to like that." he tells me, the smile disappearing upon realising how that sounded. "I didn't meant it like that! I mean, to be honest you do look posh and all but somehow you also look like a rocker and- nevermind. I'm odd."

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