The Glass Wall

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For our newest music video we're filming in a simple studio in simple outfits with a simple staging. But the song is great, really. It might sound arrogant but we definitely like our songs. For this song it's me who'll start to sing and this means that I'm placed in front of a glass wall - odd idea, but I don't want to discuss with the director about his plans for our music videos. For this video we also don't need our dancers and Giovanni previously told me that he's busy with a meeting today - although he didn't told me what kind of meeting. But since we recently don't see each other that much, I decided not to question him. Even if we see each other we mostly argue.

Now I start singing along to the melody, smiling at the camera and the band. Lee smiles back at me, while Lisa and H are busy with looking through their notes. Claire seems to be still at the styling or at least I don't see her at the moment, probably she's practicing too since she's usually quite nervous whenever we do a music video or performance in general.

My thoughts are, however, interrupted when I suddenly feel something shattering onto me.. it literally smashes on my head and I know for a fact that the glass wall just collapsed and hit me straight over the head. It sends a loud ringing through my ears, it's like someone dropped glasses in my mind. I fall to the ground, almost passing out. Plenty of people seem to walk towards me, asking questions and I blink when the room is spinning slightly.

"Oh no, oh dear." the director mumbles. "I'm so sorry, I didn't want this."

My eyes briefly close, it seems like I fainted, because the next thing I realise is that I'm sitting with Lisa and H, both putting their arms around me. Our director is slightly slapping me on the cheeks, apparently asking questions but I don't understand his words as there's a ringing still echoing in my ears. "Faye?" I now hear him asking. "Can you hear me? Can you look at me, please?"

"What?" I whisper, rubbing my head and then my eyes upon feeling dizzy. Only now I spot the glass wall and realise what happened. The glass wall fell onto me and shattered, the splitters laying all across the floor. My head hurts like madness and I feel slightly sick, assuming I got a concussion. I hadn't had a concussion before but a common symptom, apart from a headache obviously, is to feel sick... or be sick, which I'm sure I'm about to end up being too.

"You fainted. It's okay though, don't worry." our director assures me, passing me a glass of water.

"Okay?" Lisa snaps at him. "Does she look like being okay to you?! A freaking glass wall fell on her! That's your fault!" 

l close my eyes to prevent my head from hurting, taking a few sips of water - only to place it down again when an unwell feeling starts to rise in my chest. Oh no... "I feel really sick." I say with a shaky voice. 

"That's nothing you need to worry about, you seem to have a concussion . We've called an ambulance, okay?" our director says.

l just shrug, looking up when Claire walks into the room and, upon realising what apparently happened, her expression us just absolutely angry. Her usual caring manner shows again as she walks towards me, worried. "What happened? Hey shush, it's okay. I'm here now." Claire says soothingly. "I was talking with the styling crew when I heard something shattering. I thought someone dropped glass or something!"

"The glass wall fell onto her." H explains. "Because our clever director thought he should place her in front of a glass wall and it shattered on her head."

Claire looks even more angry - and worried - now and upon spotting the director, her eyes are blinking full of rage as she walks towards him. "How dare you!" Claire shouts.

"I didn't meant to-"

"It doesn't matter how you meant it! Just look at her!" she replies angrily.

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