The Party

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"Cheers to Steps! Cheers for our song topping the charts! Cheers to everyone!" I exclaim, happily jumping around. Since we released our newest song, we made it to the top of the charts. The top of the charts! That was our goal, that was what we wanted and hoped - and now we indeed managed that. We did everyone so proud. Our parents were all so emotional and happy, even our producer Pete found some nice words. 

At the moment, we're at a bar to celebrate our achievements. It's just the band, Pete and our respective partners. Giovanni indeed decided to join, despite telling me how busy he is with his ballroom and latin lessons - he didn't told Pete though, knowing how angry he would probably be. Lee took someone with him too, a girl who's apparently part of a girl band. I don't know why, but I don't like her. Because I'm jealous? Well she's nice and all, but when she asked us girls if we wanted to join her at the karaoke area I just walked over to Giovanni, acting like being totally focused on him. Why am I not happy for Lee? He's in a relationship too, isn't that what I wanted? Didn't I wanted him to be happy? Of course I want that. But why can't- why can't he be happy with me?

Realising what I just thought, I simply ask the beekeeper for a new drink. Lisa and Claire are busy with Johnny and Mark and the karaoke area, while I'm sitting here by myself. 

"There you are, I thought we wanted to dance!" Giovanni asks, sitting down next to me and interrupting my thoughts. "These girls over there are pretty talented."

That hurts me. Does he even realise what he just said? "I'm just not in the mood for a dance now. We're planning on our concerts and we're at an important event soon, it's all so stressful." I say quietly.

"I see." he replies shortly. "I thought you're more interesting. You know, being a party girl and all."

And with that he walks back into the crowd, leaving me sitting at the bar in silence. Sighing I watch the others enjoying their time while I'm just quietly sitting on my place like I wouldn't belong here. I try to cheer my thoughts with not thinking about Lee and instead thinking about our new projects. We'll film a new music video soon, already getting to know the beautiful blue outfits. I'm excited for that, especially for the styling. Since I decided to wear my hair not in dreadlocks anymore, it'll be styled again - probably with hair extensions. Not long after the music video, we'll be part of an event called Abbamania where we're going to perform alongside other well-known bands and singers. We also will be the hosts of the Smash Hits and we're doing a lot of concerts. It might will be busy but honestly, it's great. And at least I wouldn't think about that stupid love-triangle. Lee is in a relationship now so I should stop thinking he likes me - and besides, I'm in a relationship with Giovanni. 

"You're not in the mood for celebrating?" someone asks, interrupting my thoughts yet again. I look around, spotting Claire sitting down next to me with a concerned expression as usual when she realises that someone of us is slightly off.

"No, not at all. Too busy thinking about-" I shrug, "about my relationship I guess."

"Oh." is all she replies, seeming to think about an answer. "That's why you were so off recently, were you? Back then at our latest filming location." she asks. Upon seeing me frowning at her, she adds "Lee told me about it. Sorry."

"No it's fine. I just don't know what to think anymore. Like, I'm happy with Giovanni or am I? But there are these feelings for Lee too - but he's in a relationship and he's happy. I'm such an idiot."

"You're not an idiot. I told you that you can always talk to me. You know my opinion on Giovanni but nevermind. It might sound mean but, yes, Lee is in a relationship now and you should probably accept it. I'm sorry." she says and I sigh as she puts a hand to my shoulder in comfort. "Why not going over to Giovanni and apologise? Tell him that you're just stressed but that it's not because of him. Enjoy a dance together and it'll be fine. Should I come with you?"

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