Suddenly, she heard a thudding noise. It sounded like someone was kicking something. The noise was coming from outside of the house. At the back of the Collins mansion where there was a plain ground where little glass was grown. A nice place to walk or just play around.

Tiara went to the balcony where she got the perfect view of the backyard. She saw Steven, her half brother playing football. He was wearing a thick sweater and his football shorts.

Tiara stared at him. How can someone stay up at night outside in so much cold. Steven might have felt someone stare at him. He looked up and he spotted Tiara, who felt like she was caught red handed or something and looked around nervously.

"Hey, Tia!" he smiled and waved up at her. She finally took a breath of relief and waved back down at him, smiling along.

"When did you come?" He questioned. He was full on shouting and Tiara was scared someone would wake up because of that.

"Just now, an hour ago or something," she yelled back. Feeling guilty for shouting. But she was at the first floor and without shouting, he wouldn't come to know what she's saying. So yelling was necessary here.

Steven took the football in his hands and bounced it between them, "wanna play some football with me?" He asked, smiling innocently.

"Ofcourse, just a minute," Tiara smiled back at her brother before turning around grabbing her hoodie from the floor and wearing it on.

She stepped out of her room and walked down the dark stairs and finally reached the back door. Openly the door, the first thing she felt was a cold gush wave of air. Her hairs flew back of her shoulders. She shivered but still got out and walked up to her brother who waiting for his sister patiently.

"Hi," she waved at him. Brushing her palms against eachother warming them up a little.

"Hey, are you cold?" He asked her. Both of them were in warm attire but maybe February's cold was giving it's best.

"Yeah, but I'm fine," she reached closer to Steven and stood infront of him. Putting her hands in the hoodie's pockets. She asked, "you practice football every night?"

He shrugged, "whenever I don't feel sleepy," he dodged the ball at her. It caught her off-guard but she caught the ball and played it around her feet.

Tiara knew a bit of football. Mason and Jay played it all the time and made Tiara and Madison play it with them too. A little knowledge about sports is always good.

"How'd you come here?" Steven asked. Tiara dodged the ball back to Steven, "I mean, so suddenly?"

Tiara backed away and stared at her brother doing amazing stunts with the football. The last time she saw his play football was at school a few weeks ago. He was indeed one of the best players and definitely the coach's priority.

"Ehh..." Tiara scoffed, "I did something that made mom and dad mad at me."

Steven stopped and looked at Tiara. "Like what?" He asked.

"I think we should sit and talk, it's too cold anyways." she rubbed her hands together, blowing warm air from her mouth on her hands.

"Oh, yeah," Steven said as he realised that he was feeling pretty cold too "let's go in."

"Sure," Tiara agreed and walked in with Steven into the house.

PRIORITIES (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now