I pushed Louis away from me and went back to the sofa, rolling my eyes as I snatched up my phone and unlocked it.

"Don't love Poppy." I muttered as my eyes flicked over Ollie's message, it was practically the same as Liam shouting me.

I replied with a simple, working on it and moved onto Zayn's message.

Zayn 3:47pm: Got a location. And a ransom demand just came in.

I stood up stupidly making both Louis and Liam look at me in confusion. The words on the tip of my tongue but I couldn't let them out.

I had been annoyed with Zayn, he'd taken way longer than I had expected to actually locate Poppy's phone and then he kept trying to guilt me every five fucking minutes by telling me he could lose his job.

But now I wanted to kiss Zayn.

"I want it known that I do not associate with criminals but I will do anything and everything to get my daughter back."

The three of us looked up as Jack Carmichael appeared on the screen and I snorted, laying it on a bit thick there buddy.

I didn't understand that stupid prick, there he was yelling at me that he didn't want the police involved but here he is standing on screen with the fucking Commissioner of the Met police begging for his daughter back.

How much is it for?

"Zayn's found a location and they've had a ransom." I finally announced.

"Makes sense, everyone knows he's good for it. How much and did you find anything online?" Louis asked before he tapped away on his laptop and I shook my head.

"Not sure yet and nah. She only has Facebook and its fucking boring."

Typical Poppy.

"Did you look at her spending?" Liam asked and Louis shook his head before I realised that I could have but just didn't think about it.

"No but I still have access to her account."

I grabbed my own laptop and pulled up the bank website apparently all the Carmichael's used and used the log in information Jack had given me several months back.

"What the fuck Harry?" Louis looked at me as if I was deranged.

"Yeah I second that. Talk about invasion of privacy." Liam muttered making me glare at him.

"Jack gave me all the information to 'monitor' her spending when I worked for him. I never looked at it." I explained, feeling slightly better that it was true and I hadn't looked at her bank account before.

I frowned as I scrolled through the transactions, they were all money coming in. Not a single outgoing payment.

"This can't be right." I muttered.

"What?" Both Louis and Liam asked at the same time just as Louis' phone rang making me look up.

"Zayn." Louis said before answering the call. "Go."

"There aren't any outgoing transactions."

My eyes drifted over to my vinyl shelf, the Led Zep album Poppy bought me sat there almost pride of place in the centre, she had bought that album, but there was no record of it in her account?

"What do you mean?" Liam asked and I blinked before looking at him like he was stupid.

"No money has left her account, its all money coming in. Just payments every month from Jack himself." I explained, scrolling all the way back to July and I sucked my teeth at the amount Jack had transferred for that month.

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