Chapter 14 - Getting It Out

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Maya was on her phone busy sorting all of the drama out regarding the apartment.
She did go to the hospital while Josh had to sort out the a few things at his brother's.
Her mother was okay but didn't want to see visitors at the moment.
She also got a call saying the apartment is clean but it wasn't actually a place where she wanted to be at the moment.
She just wanted to let go of everything bad that had happened the past few days but she couldn't.
Not if she was going to stop.
Josh walked into the bakery where Maya was trying to get a grip and sat down next to her.

"You okay?" Josh asked.
"Now I am. Don't worry. I'm not going to freak out. I'm fine," Maya said and smiled.
"With you, we never know. Have you calmed down since this morning?" Josh asked.
"This morning I was a total mess. I'm sorry. You shoudlnt had to deal with that as well after the last few days," Maya said.
"It's okay, Maya. I don't want it any other way," Josh said as he took Maya's hand.

She lightly got lost into his eyes as he leaned forward.
Suddenly a racket from the kitchen causes both of them to jump and Maya steps back.

"I have to go. I'll see you tonight," Maya said and was gone.

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