Chapter 11 - Hospital

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It was midnight and Maya was still at the hospital with Josh waiting for news on her mother.
She luckily wasn't really injured besides all the blood that was everywhere.
Josh sent Riley to Maya's place to get her some clean clothes and when she got back Maya did change.
Riley's parents couldn't stay at the hospital since it was a week night and both had work tomorrow so Josh stayed with Maya.
She hasn't actually spoken to him neither the other way around.
They just sat there waiting for news.
To remove the bullet successfully from the head was a major operation and Maya couldn't even think about how her mother was going to survive this and if she actually didn't how she would go on.

"What happened?" Josh asked.
"I don't know. I don't know what happened. She came home drunk and sat in the couch. I made coffee and went to get water. Next hearing..."
"It's okay. You don't have to go on," Josh said.

Josh's pov

I knew exactly what she was going to say next and wasn't prepared to hear it.
Neither was she prepared to tell me anything.
After that she just leaned forward putting her hands in front of her face.
I hated seeing her like this.
Not knowing what is next was my biggest fear.
But what is going to happen next?
I pulled her close into my chest and held her tight.
I knew I was getting too attached but what should I have done?
Leave her to her own mercy.
I can't do that.

It was just about an hour later and Maya calmed down a little.
Josh got one of the nurses to give her a injection she was way more calm.
Josh never saw Maya like this and he never does want to see her again.
But he keeps on thinking how he can help her.

"Maybe if we talk about something the time will be over faster," Josh said.
"Waiting up to three hours is anyway a long time. Sorry to have bothered you. I panicked and..."
"No. Don't be sorry. I'm glad you did call. Besides I think you need someone here and my brother doesn't seem very keen. Has your mother drank before?" Josh asked.
"Once or twice. It rarely happens," Maya said.
"What do you think triggered it?" Josh asked.
"I have no idea. Could have been anything. Maybe my father called her again or maybe it was just a bad day at work. It could have been anything which I won't know about. Why are they taking so long?"
"Calm down. They will come out as soon as they have news," Josh said and the doctor came out.

"Miss Hart. You are lucky. We could remove the bullet without any risks," the doctor said and Maya let out a sigh of relive before embracing Josh.
"She'll be just fine. You don't have anything to worry about. She is still unconscious but out of danger."
"Thank you," Maya said.
"No problem. Do you guys need someone to take you home?"
"Uh no. We're fine. My car is outside," Josh said.

The doctor left and Maya sigh before Josh pulled her close.
It was a relive that Katy was going to be fine and Josh was happy for Maya.
The girl was so worried the entire time and now she knew it wasn't going to be a scary case.
Her mom would be fine.

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