Chapter 8 - Another Argument

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It was the next morning and Maya woke up in her bed.
She got up and got dressed before going to the kitchen where her mother was already leaving.

"Mom. Can we please talk?" Maya asked.
"Not now. Have you seen my keys? I am so late to work," Katy said.
"Mom," Maya said.
"What Mayan? I don't have time for one of these useless attention sessions. I have to get to work so can we please do this tonight?"

Maya grabbed her phone and ran out of the apartment.
She can't even count how many times she has thought everything is fine between her and her mother than she is just surprised.
That was one of many bad things about Maya and Katy.
You never actually do know if they are fighting or just ignoring each other.
But for her mother to think she is just looking for attention is really low.
Maya couldn't wrap her head around it but something seemed off about her mom.
But what does she know?

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