Chapter 6 - Doctor

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It was definitely a weird day so far for both Josh and Maya.
Josh had a surprisingly good morning with Maya and Maya got a compliment out of Josh.
But any idiot can feel the vibe between the two of them.
What it is nobody can tell.

"Maya do you ever regret not telling Josh sooner how you feel?"

Maya looks up to where her best friend was busy on her phone.
She was busy with a notepad and a pencil.
Thinking of something to write down for the day.
But with that question her attention has been devided.

"I always thought I was okay with him not knowing but yes. I do. Maybe if I had told him earlier things would be different between us," Maya said.
"What were you upset about the other day?" Riley asked.
"Nothing," Maya lied.
"Liar. You were in tears," Riley said.
"Riles you know how often I am break down and that night was a good example. Did I ever have a reason to do that in the past?" Maya asked.
"You never acted like that. It was like the world stood still. Come on Maya. Josh had to console you. It was bad," Riley said.

Thinking back she didn't handle the news too good.
Riley was right.
Josh had to comfort her.
But why when he was around did she act to weird?
And not her usual weird.
But she knew if she told anyone it would mean the end of her.
And Josh already knows too much.

"It was just one of the bad days. Riley you know I get attacks like that and that I can't handle most of them. Your father will tell you it's just me being me. I break down, I freak out. It doesn't mean something is wrong. But I really could use a friend right now. Me and my mom are considering taking me to a Psychologist to figure out what is going on with the attacks and so. My first appointment is in a few hours. Will you go with me?" Maya asked.
"Sure," Riley said.

It was late that afternoon and Maya was at the doctor.
Katy agreed to take Riley with and the two was just sitting in the waiting room.

"Will she be okay?" Riley asked.
"Medication which will cost me a fortune always helps," Katy said.
"Mrs Hart," Riley said.
"She'll be fine," Katy said and the doctor came out with Maya.
"What is this going to cost me?" Katy asked.
"Medicine isn't going to help your daughter Mrs Hart. As long as you neglate her she isn't going to get better. What she needs is her mother. She doesn't have depression. She doesn't have anxiety. She doesn't have a mental problem. It's just something uou can heal with time. Good luck."
"Okay. Enough time wasted. I have to head to the diner and you are going to go with Riley. I'll drop you off," Katy said.
"We'll walk. Let's go Maya," Riley said and they were gone.

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