Chapter 1

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I hear our door open and shut. The smell of fresh bread fills the house.

Me and Peeta live separately, but I often find my way at Peeta's house because I get such comfort from him. I find our way back to each other. Going to see each other daily. I usually sleep at Peeta's house so he can calm me down when I have my nightmares, which is most nights. After the games, he is the only person that has kept me through it.

Peeta walks into his room, where I am laid on his bed. He puts down his bread bag and comes and hugs me.

"Hey Katniss." He says giving me a squeeze. "How are you?"

Peeta and I are not in a relationship, however, we have had a few innocent kisses now and then which weren't for show.

"I'm good..." I reply unconvincingly. Peeta looks at me with a slight smile.

"Katniss..." He half sighs. "come on, what's in your mind?"

I sigh and plonk my head on his pillow. "I really don't want to do this victory tour tomorrow." I say "How am I going to face the families whose children I've killed. And worse of all, how am going to face Rue's family?" I say breaking down in tears and making that ugly sound I make when I cry.

"Hey! Hey it will be ok, I know its gonna be hard but I'm sure you can get through it. I know you can get through it because you are the most strongest, beautiful woman I ever met!" Says Peeta. He rests his strong hand gently on my thigh. "I literally don't know how I would get by without you." His beautiful ocean blue eyes start to swell up with tears as he moves his hands into mine.

"Katniss, you are my world, there wold be no point in living if you weren't here. I cant believe my luck that I have you in my life, I just...I just wish you knew how important you are to me. I know you don't feel the same way I do, but I love you."

A comforting, warm feeling runs through my veins. My heart feels warm and happy which has never happened before. I don't know what comes over me but I finally realise what I want. I want Peeta. I launch my lips and his, my hands stroking his blonde locks, my tongue exploring his mouth. I have never felt such happiness. We slowly pull away, looking deep into each others eyes. I know a million question must be going through his head. Okay yes we have kissed before, but never like this. I want more. The only time that has happed is during the games, back in the cave, but even that was nothing compared to this. This was different, and I liked it.

Peeta must be feeling the same as me because he basically attacks me, knocking me onto the bed. We kissed passionately for what feels like years. Then Peeta slowly takes his hand from my hair to my chest and begins to undo the buttons on my shirt.

I let out a sharp breath and pull away, a bit taken aback. He pulls his head away slightly, but not so much so I can still feel his warm, heavy breath on my face. "You know, we don't have to..." He says in a low voice.

What am I doing? I want this. I want Peeta.

I begin to undo his shirt while kissing him in answer. "I want you Peeta." I whisper in his ear.

Our arms are crossed as we race to undo each others shirts and pants. Soon we are both left in only our underwear. Peeta quickly rips off his boxers while I do the same with my pants. He leans his head on my shoulder and kisses and sucks my neck while he undoes my bra. I have a warm sensation that overcomes me, making me feel satisfied. I never want this to stop. He licks my neck and gently drags his soft lips down my face. "Ready?" He says says inbetween his strong breaths. I nod.

All of a sudden, he enters me, making me let out a sigh of pleasure. He places one hand on my breast and gently squeezes it, and tenderly runs his finger down the middle of my chest with the other. I let out small moans of pleasure. Suddenly, he find the spot and I find myself gasping. I just want to clench up and enjoy the explosion that is erupting through my entire body. I never want this to stop...



HEY EVERYONE!! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of baby in the quell! I know the first chapter is bad but I promise you it will get better once we get into the flow of thing :) Please read on and have a good day!!! <3 <3 <3

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