Mathias' House

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I'm back! I hope I get this out before the end of December, but if not I'm sorry!


After the long night of games, junk food, and awkward situations they all decide it's time to go. Mathias drops off Alfred and Gilbert heads home. When he gets home he's extremely relieved to see the lights are off. Mathias parks his Jeep and sneaks into the house.

As soon as he opens the door smell of alcohol and cigarettes hits his face. Ah, the comforts of home...I need to check on Peter. Mathias walks lightly past his father passed out on the couch with the tv on and beer bottles surrounding him. Disgusting. I need to get us out of this mess as soon as possible. Mathias knocks lightly on Peter's door.

"Peter? It Mathias. Can I come in?" Mathias trys to use the most gentle tone he can muster because of how angry he is with his father.

Peter doesn't answer but he opens the door. Mathias can see a bruise forming on his cheek. He goes into Peter's room and closes the door behind him, locking the door.

"What happened?!" Mathias crouches down to Peter's level. He brushes his thumb over the bruise lightly. Peter flinches slightly.


"Don't lie to me Peter." Mathias says sternly, but nonthreateningly.

Peter's eyes begin to water. "H-he threw a b-bottle at m-me.." Peter starts to sob. "I-I'm s-sorry-y.." His words are very broken up. Mathias wipes his tears away.

"Hey, it's going to be ok." Mathias thinks for a moment. "Pack up your stuff. We're leaving." He stands up and goes to his room to grab some stuff. Peter follows him.

"B-but what if he-"

"It'll be ok, I promise. Please go pack some clothes." He can't live like this.

Peter nods and goes back to his room. Mathias packs up his favorite clothes, chargers, all his electronics, and his hidden money. Peter comes out of his room and Mathias checks to make sure he has what he actually needs. Mathias nods at him and takes his hand. They go out to his Jeep and Mathias gets Peter situated.

"Wait right here, I forgot something." Mathias forces a convincing smile on his face. Peter nods and eats a snack he grabbed on the way out.

Mathias goes back into the house and walks up to his father. He turns off the TV and grabs a beer bottle, throwing the bottle at the wall. It makes a loud shattering noise that wakes up his father.

"W-.. What the HELL Mathias!?" His father looks angry. He staggers to his feet. "And why are you home so late, huh?!"

Mathias gives him the most hate filled look. "WE HAD A DEAL!" Mathias screams at him. "You can do whatever you want to me, but leave Peter out of it! Well guess what! PETER HAS A GIANT BRUISE ON HIS FACE!"

Mathias's dad laughs. "Well it's not my fault if the kid got in the way of the bottle! Ha! But it was funny seeing him try to dodge it!" Mathias is seething.

Mathis runs over to his father and tries to deck him, but his father grabs his fist and puts it behind his back. Mathias' father is about three inches taller than him and about twice his size. Shit.

"That was a bad move kid. You should have left while I was asleep." He pushes Mathias to the ground and steps on his back. "Now get your ass back to your room before I get more angry."

Mathias stands up and does as he says with I slightly defeated look. His father decks him for 'good measure' and turns away pleased with himself. He sits back down, turning the tv back on. When Mathias gets to his room he opens the window and crawls out and around to his Jeep. Perfect, now I'll have a black eye by morning. Mathias smiles to himself and turns on the car. He pulls out of the driveway as fast as he can.

"Where are we going?" Peter asks sheepishly.

"We're going to Tino's." He smiles Peter. "We're going to Tino's."


Sorry this chapter was a little short, but I'm planning on a longer chapter next update! So please except my cutest apology!

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Words: 737


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