Chapter 27

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    Lennon woke up to the sound of a scream echoing. She grunted as she sat up from the floor, her head hurting profusely. She messaged her forehead as she looked around the room she was in. It was then she noticed she was stuck in a gray room with windows, no furniture, and shackled to the wall. For a second she thought that she was delirious because she heard a scream, but she was alone until she heard another ear-splitting scream that sounded like the person was in sheer agony. This caused her to freak out a bit. The last thing she remembered was fighting security at the headquarters. After that everything is blank which means she never got out and she had no clue what happened to the others. Those screams, however, were very off-putting, making Lennon fight the chains.

    In a room several doors down Piers received another slice of a knife on his arm has his arms were chained above his head. He panted in exhaustion, but he had brought upon himself, so he was going to deal with it. The room was larger than the one Lennon was in but designed in the same way that there is literally nothing in it. However, unlike Piers he had company and by company he had almost everyone with him. Wren and Athena were chained on either side of Piers while Kaleb, Kit, Dandy, and Holland were on the wall opposite of them. Piers had been receiving slashes at his skin for the past ten minutes and the person giving them was doing it slowly and very painfully. Piers had taken the heat for his brother who couldn't keep his mouth shut, but he fathered it was him instead anyway.

    While Piers was focused on his pain, everyone else took into account how there were a few missing people when they woke up. Holland started screaming for her sister until Dandy had calmed her down. She placed her head on Dandy's shoulder trying to mute out Piers' cries and not worry too much about her sister, the second being harder than the first. The steel door opened revealing another man who approached the first. He whispered in his ear before both started for the door. Piers let out a breath of relief, but Holland slowly lifted her head up, staring up at the men.

"Hey, wait." She called out. They ignored her. "Hey! Where's my sister ?!" She screamed. "Where's my sister?! What did you do with her?!" The men never responded, but instead left the room silently like soldiers. Holland smacked her hand down on the floor. "No! NO!     NO!"

"It's gonna be okay," Dandy tried comforting her, patting her head as Holland placed it back on her shoulder.

"How do you know?" Kit asked.

"She doesn't," Athena stated monotoned her voice weak.

"I can still have hope."

"I had hoped we would get out too, but it depended highly on Lennon who's not here," Wren added.

"Yeah me too," Piers groaned.

"We can't lose hope," Dandy said.

"Well, what are we going to do, huh? Lennon's the only one I know who would have an escape plan and I doubt Dandy's gonna be able to pull one out of her ass." Wren remarked snarkily.

"Hey, that's my sister!"

"Oh bite me!" Dandy replied to Wren.

"Shut up," Kit demanded exasperatedly. "Look, I know we don't have the smartest person in the world currently sitting in this dungeon that's in desperate need of Fabreeze right now, but with all our head put together I think someone is bound to come up with something because there is no way I'm dying next to Kaleb." Kaleb furrowed his brows and threw his hands out offended. "Just saying, not sorry," Kit mumbled.

"He's right. Let's work together so we never have to see each other again," Athena agreed.

"Close enough, yeah. Whatever motivates ya."

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