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Chapter twelve| Blood

Chapter is depressing, scratch that, book is depressing
Don't tell me I didn't warn you :)

Ben and Rebecca barged into the house around two in the afternoon today. I slept in until about twelve, so I haven't been extremely bored today.

"We're home!" Ben yelled from the entrance.

I ran down the stairs, holding my breath jumping into Ben's arms. He laughed as I hugged him. "I was bored all week. You don't even understand."

"So everything went well while I was gone?" He asked.

"Well all the soup is gone, so we need more." I said a little embarrassed I ate 9 cans of soup all on my own.

"Oh perfect! Me and April will go out shopping then. A little girls day out!" Rebecca said placing her bag on the living room couch.

"Aw! Are you already sick of me?" Ben said with a pouty face.

Rebecca lightly slapped his check laughing. "Don't be too sad while we're gone."

I put on my boots and the two of us started to head out the door. "But— but, my two favourite girls are leaving me!"

I sighed and hopped into Rebeccas car. "Where to first?"


The mall wasn't as busy as I originally thought it would be. For some reason I thought malls were always busy, but I guess up here Thursday's aren't the most popular time to shop.

Rebecca and I already got all the soup and extra groceries at Walmart. Since we had nothing better to do, we decided to go to the closest mall. I had got leggings since my old pair ripped when I fell on uncles Ben's driveway.

It's honestly an extremely embarrassing story. I was walking back from Liams place last night after the... awkward pillow fight. But my mind began playing tricks on me so I thought some animal was behind me trying to kill me. My instincts took over so I ran and fell.

But imagine if an actual animal was behind me! I would've been dead!

Rebecca also got a cute sweater and some body lotion. Afterwards we went to the food court since we ate hungry and it was nearing dinner time.

I went to KFC and bought myself some chicken fingers. When I went back to Rebecca she was just ending a call. Her face looked distraught. "What's wrong?" I asked setting my tray on the table in front of Rebecca.

She looked up at me quickly whipping away any tears. "Hm? Oh uh," she paused for a moment. "I'm all good."

The look on her face told me otherwise. Her lips were pressed together in a tight line and her checks were red from stress. Her eyes as well were swollen from crying. "You were crying. Don't tell me your fine when I know you're not. Tell me what's wrong. Or I'll... I'll eat your dinner too. And I will eat it all if I have to."

Rebecca gave me a small smile. "Ben didn't want me to tell you until we were all together."

My face dropped. Did they break up? If they did I think I'd cry more than anyone. They are relationship goals!

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