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Chapter six | Gravity

"April, can you grab the door for me?" Uncle Ben asked.

I frowned. For the past ten minutes I've been thinking about how I should get up off the couch. But now that reality hit me... I'm not sure I like it.

"Yup!" I yelled to Ben. Once I got up off the couch I got a head rush, a kind gesture this 'bronchitis' disease has given me. Low blood pressure and all.

Walking towards the door, I realized I was still in my pyjamas. Oh well, whoever's at the door can deal with my overwhelming beauty.

As I opened the door I was glad to see it was only Rebecca, Bens girlfriend.

I smiled, "Rebecca! Hi! Come on in. I didn't realize you were coming."

Rebecca came in taking off her brown jacket hanging it on a coat hanger. She wore a red sweater matched with jeans. A casual attire. "Hey April! I heard you were staying here for a bit. How're you feeling?" She asked.

"Oh I apologize, I forgot to wear my 'I'm sick and in pain' shirt today." I say sarcastically. I quickly covered my mouth, probably blushing a deep shade of pink, after realizing that this was my uncles girlfriend. Probably not the most appropriate thing to say to her. "Oh- I'm..."

Rebecca laughed. "Don't worry about it. And I'm glad to see that Bronchitis doesn't scare your sarcasm away."

I smiled at her as we walked over to the kitchen to see Ben washing his hands in the sink. "Breakfast is severed."

I grabbed three plates and set them out for us. On top of my plate I piled up a few waffles and drizzled on maple syrup.

Hey what can I say? Us Canadians got to keep up our stereotypes.

Ben and Rebecca sat beside each other across from me. They were both engrossed in a conversation I didn't feel the need to listen to.

My mind wandered through my chores today: drink water, clean my room, drink water, eat lunch, drink water, watch movie. That's pretty much it. Also I'll have dinner at some point...

My body was feeling healthier. I was coughing ten times less. My throat felt less claustrophobic, and I think my metal health was in a better place. But I was still worried about my family. They were acting really strange about the whole ordeal. It's only a cough, and not contagious. So why take me out of school?

Speaking of school, the idea of missing this much school made me sick to my stomach. Lily told me that grade twelve gives you more homework than you originally think. Great, just another thing for me to worry about. Add that to my list.

Luckily, the waffles filled me up, and put a smile on my face. "April! April?" Ben called snapping his fingers in my face.

"Oh uh, sorry. What we're you saying?"

Ben sighed. "Me and Rebecca might be going away for a night in a week or so. So as a moments notice, I just want to let you know that we would be leaving you." Ben informed me.

"Oh fun! Where you going to?" I asked.

Rebecca shrugged. "Haven't decided yet. But you sure you're parents wouldn't mind Ben leaving you for a couple nights?"

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