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Chapter Two | Haunted House

Walking down my uncles driveway was absurd. Not the fact that I was at my uncle's house on a school night, but because it looked so much like a farm.

I've never really been to a farm, so it was all new to me. And yes, that means that I've never been to my uncles house. To be honest, I've never really been far from my home. My parents just never had the time to do anything with me. 

The driveway wasn't paved but had stones and pebbles instead. His house didn't look like a barn in all the photos you see, it looked more of a modern house. Mum says he's rich because of his farm, and I can see why.

Uncle Ben has acres of land full of crops growing. To the right of me, he grew corn. To the left I wasn't quite sure, it's probably wheat. Along the edge of his house was gardens full of flowers. I imagine the flowers were only the beginnings of fruit. Strawberries prime growing time is August, so it made sense to have some still budding in September.

Suddenly a realization hit me. I was not helping Ben harvest. That was a big no.

Once we got to the door I knocked a few times waiting for him to open up. I noticed how hard the door was, solid wood. Did he carve the door on his own?

Soon the door opened. My uncle came into view, his blonde curly hair all over the place. He smiled when he saw me. His grin not so much of a smile but more of a smirk. "Come on in!" He exclaimed.

I did so, making sure to wipe my boots on the mat. Inside his house was as just absurd as the outside. He was rich alright. Walking in you first see his living room. His whole house had a farm-cottage vibe to it, which I loved immensely.

Mum hugged Ben thanking him for looking after me in such short notice. Mum and Ben are siblings. Apparently they grew up in a farm together with my grandparents. I still can't believe my mum lived in a farm for all of her childhood. I always wanted to grow up in a farm— on that note I always wanted to grow up with a loving sibling or have a more... welcoming family.

"Okay. April I need you to promise me to listen to Ben and don't give him any trouble." Mum said. I rolled my eyes. I'm not a child anymore. How long is it going to take for her to learn that? Probably the day that our conversation is longer than five seconds.

Dad kissed my forehead saying he'd be calling me everyday. And soon they were both gone. The silence in the house was deafening. The quietness urged me to say, "It's getting late. I suppose I should go to bed." I said gripping tighter on my Mickey Mouse suit case. 

"Yes. Right. I'll show you to your room." Ben walked upstairs pointing to my room. "I won't be here in the afternoon. So just in case you sleep in, I'll be out. Help yourself to food, and get some fresh air."

I nodded in response. I had my heavy bag plop onto the ground, and I felt my eyelids weighing down. It was now midnight and I just wanted to sleep.

Uncle Ben awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, "night." He said walking back downstairs.

My uncle isn't married. He doesn't have any kids either. But he's only in his late twenties early thirties, so it's not like he'll never get married. Plus he has the most amazing girlfriend, she brought the most delicious stuffing to thanksgiving in which I need to find the recipe for.

Once I fully register my new room, I get even more tired. It looks like any other guest room. Grey walls, a double bed, white sheets, and a wooden dresser. I quickly get into my pajamas and hop into bed. The sheets smell like lavender and felt like silk. Although it was comforting, all I wanted to be was back home. In my room getting reading for school tomorrow. But instead I'm a hour north in a guest bed. Why would my parents send me here anyway? It's only Bronchitis.

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