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Chapter nine | Build a Fort

This morning I woke up, and did my regular morning routine. I got changed, had breakfast, and started up Netflix.

Lily left me last night. It was hard to see her go, but I managed. Besides, she will be here next weekend.

Right now I was alone. Ben is out at work for the day. He told me to stay relaxed and to call him when I needed.

I sat on my bed, when I heard the boor bell ring. I ran downstairs and opened the front door. In front of me stood Ruby. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Don't you have kindergarten right now?"

"Yes." She said walking in and taking off her jacket.

I shook my head at her. "Well why aren't you there right now?"

"Because I have to win." Her face showed me her commitment to the cause. Her warm hand took mine and dragged me to the living room.

"Win what?" I questioned.

Ruby sighed crossing her arms. "You've been spending too much time with Liam. I met you first. You need to like me more!" Her bottom lip jutted out as she flopped onto the couch.

I laughed as she pouted. "Don't worry Rubs, I'll always like you more. Make sure to tell your brother I think he is a pain."

Ruby gave me a big smile. "Will do!" Ruby was short for her age, although all kids her age were  fairly short. I noticed her feet were yet to touch the ground, dangling high giving her a childlike stature. She swung her feet side to side.

She looked bored. I was bored. We're all bored. "Hey Ruby?" I said.

"Yeah?" She dragged out.

"How about, we make the best fort known to man kind." I said, my smile growing wide, as a mischievous look came upon both our faces.


A few loud dings could be heard throughout the whole house. Which means the popcorn was finally finished popping. I ran over to the kitchen and quickly retrieved it out of the microwave. The bag burnt my fingers and I dropped it to the ground squealing.

I snatched the tongs from the utensil drawer and picked up the steaming hot bag. I opened the bag with the tongs, and sighed as the beautiful yellow and white popcorn fell out of the paper bag, smelling like luxury goods.

I picked up the large bowl full of popcorn, and headed over to me and Ruby's masterpiece. It wasn't large— no it was quite small. It could fit me and her. Maybe if Ben had a dog, we could fit it in too. But other then that, it wasn't too spacious.

Inside, was magnificent. Earlier Ruby had gone back to her house to get fairy lights, and other unnecessary things. But it turned out nicely. The floor was covered in layers of pillows and blankets.

As I returned to our kingdom, I found Ruby scrolling on Netflix on my computer. She looked up at me and grinned when she saw the popcorn.

"Yum!" She exclaimed, reaching her hands out to the bowl.

I laughed and set the bowl down.  I grabbed my computer deciding to watch the first Shrek. "What's this?" She asked.

"Shrek! You've never watched it?"

"Nope." Ruby said while positioning herself to be more comfortable.

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