Keanu Reeves - My Prince

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This is a continuation of the Royalty series (which is what I'm choosing to calthe one that Your Highness and Your Majesty have been a part of). Please enjoy!

Prince Keanu was quiet for the rest of the meeting except for the occasional question that would be directed towards him. I was barely called upon by anyone, and for that I was thankful.

"(Y/N), clear the table and then make sure that our dinners are prepared within the hour," the queen spoke with a dismissive tone, no doubt wanting to be rid of my presence. Perhaps the princess will demand that I be gone and with two against one, that would be quite easy.

"Yes, my queen." I waited until they were all gone before I started cleaning the table off. Other maids poured in through the doors to help bring down the trays and cups, I stayed behind to wipe off the table and sweep the floors. While I did this, however, my mind was not with my body. It left along with the prince.

The room was clean and now I was off to prepare the dining room for dinner. The other maids and butlers bustled around me as I mindlessly worked alongside them. The princess had not called on me, and there were no surprise visits from the prince; possibly he had his mother keeping an eye held over him. It made me worry less about us getting caught, but I still wished to see him.

"(Y/N)," one of the maids stood behind me. She was new, I remember when she came in two months ago. Her unruly, curly hair had made her a lesser favorite among the queen but she was hired anyway for her ability to work quickly. "The goose will be done 20 minutes later than expected."

"But the queen wants dinner sooner, about half of that time sooner." I would no doubt be the one to be punished for the goose arriving to the table later than the rest of the meal. "Is there something that would be able to be considered as a starter before we bring out the other items for supper? Perhaps we have two soups instead of one for the extra time the goose would take?"

The maid, her name was Emmary, left quickly. The time that it would take to convince the cook to prepare a second soup is time that we do not have, and she knows that every second counts.

Once the matter was sorted and the dining room was prepared, it was now time to fetch the queen, prince, and princess. They were all gathered in the drawing-room, the queen was talking about the many adventures her husband had. The king was that of a brave and generous man, and the kingdom is still mourning his loss. The prince was quiet while the queen spoke and kept his head down.

"My queen, dinner is prepared," I spoke up after she finished one story, one of many. The queen just looked at me and I bowed my head before turning to leave. I kept my head down the entire way back to the dining room.

The three sat down and the trays were brought out in front of them. The cook had decided to make two soups instead of one, giving the goose more time to finish and the queen did not seem to notice. She also didn't seem to notice the quick glances her son snuck towards me. I returned only the ones I thought were safe.

The dinner was eventful until the queen had spoken over to the prince, "I believe we should hold a celebration for the princess's safe journey. Do you not agree son?" The prince simply nodded his head to show that he did. The events of earlier today no doubt troubled him.

The dinner ended and I was called to follow the princess to help her prepare for the night. I was frightened at first that the princess may want the company of the prince before she drifted into sleep, but she didn't. She did not speak to me except to tell me what nightclothes she wished to wear. I bowed at her door before blowing out the candles.

On my way to my own quarters, I felt a hand wrap around my mouth and I was pulled against the wall. "Keep quiet and follow me." The prince's voice was soft and so were his steps as he led me down the castle steps and outside into the garden.

The stars were bright and I was afraid someone may see us in the moonlight. "My prince, where are we going?"

He didn't answer me, instead he rounded around the garden to the side of the stables. We caught our breath as we stood there. After a few moments, the prince spoke, "I want to go away with you." I didn't know how to respond to him.

"My prince, what are you talking about?" Our tones were hushed, just in case anyone was listening in.

"I want to go away from here. I want us to go far away from this all. We would never have to come back." He pressed his hand gently against my cheek and leaned in close to me. "I do not wish to spend another second on this land or near these women. The only person I wish to be with is the one I cannot have, but if I was to no longer be a prince..." he trailed off.

"My prince! You must not speak of such nonsense! You cannot simply run away! They will have every person in the world searching every inch of it for you." I resisted the urge to press my hand against his.

"Then let them look, we will simply go onto the next inch. It will be worth it, for you." He looked into my eyes and I became flustered, thankful for the blanket of the night to cover my blush.

"My prince, I beg you to be rational here. No matter how much we wish to be together, it simply cannot happen in the way you envision it."

He was quiet. His fantasies were possibly brewing up this plan of his while he was quiet in the company of his mother and to-be wife. "My love, I..." The prince let out a slow breath before leaning in closer, and before I could be rational, I closed the gap that remained. Our lips pressed together, and at first, the kiss was cold due to the chilly night, but it slowly became warm. My hands moved up to Keanu's shoulders, which became relaxed at my touch, and he put his hands on my waist.

We stayed like that for a few moments, our lips reluctantly parting from each other's as we took a breath. "My prince.."

"My love.." The prince came back in, this kiss now being warmer and carefree. The queen would punish me severely if she had even the slightest thought of this happening, but that was the least of my thoughts at the moment. The prince's hands on my waist tightened, and then pulled me in so that we were now chest upon chest. He slowly moved so that I was now pressed against the wall of the stables, his leg standing in between mine. The kiss grew with more passion the longer that it had gone on. However, we both needed air again and reluctantly parted once again.

"Keanu..." It happened in the heat of the moment, I had not meant to call him his name without the title. The prince's eyes grew wide and he quickly pressed his lips against mine for a quick kiss before he spoke.

"(Y/N), my name sounds so sweet upon your lips. Please, say it once more."

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