Kevin Lomax- New in Town

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It's been a whole week since I've moved down to Gainesville, Florida. It's not a big town at all, and that's just what I need. I'm tired of living in crowded places and held back up in traffic so bad that I have to wake up two hours before the sun even cracks. That's why I jumped on the opportunity to move when my job offered it.
I've only been to the supermarket once, and people were already talking about the "new girl who's moved in to town". I guess word really does travel fast in a town like this. I wonder what they say about me. I mean, not that I care too much, but it would be interesting to hear all of the rumors they had made already.
My neighbor, Alice, has already brought me over a jar of cookies. I suspected that she wanted to get more information on me at first, but to my surprise she just actually only wanted to introduce herself and be friendly. She's a nice lady. I've been over to her house for dinner two times this week.
She's helping me unpack as well. I told her that she didn't have to do that, but she's just too friendly and insisted. We talk a lot about random things while we work, or we have the radio going and hum along whenever a song we know happens to come on.
I'm having dinner again at her house tonight, and this time I'm nervous. It's a Sunday evening, which means she's invited all of her church friends and her son over for dinner. This will most likely shape the entire town's view on me, no pressure there. I gulp softly before letting the new dress I'm wearing slip out of my fingers. I'm not a big dress person, but I thought it would be more appropriate than a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt, and surprisingly this wasn't expensive either so what's the harm?
I knocked on the door softly at first and it quickly opened. "Hello Ali-," I noticed that I wasn't looking at a pair of heels and quickly lifted up my head. Instead of Alice, it was a handsome man with his hair slicked back for the occasion. He looked down at me and chuckled.
"Kevin Lomax. I'm assuming you're (y/n)?" He held out his hand and I shook it while also nodding my head. "My mother has told me a lot about you. She just can't get enough of you it seems." His accent was thick and his voice could melt vegan butter. "Well, come on in, don't wanna keep momma waiting, now do we?" He took my hand in his, and I didn't realize how big they were at first, but they seemed to engulf mine entirely.
"Kevin, who was it?" I heard Alice call from another part of the house. Kevin led me into the kitchen where Alice was. "Oh! Hi (y/n)!" She quickly wipes her hands of the flour that was on them and walked over to me. "No one but Kevin has come yet, so I'm just finishing off all of the desserts." She pointed to the unfinished pie crust she was making.
"Do you need any help?" I felt bad about her doing all of this work.
"No sweetie, you're a guest! You should relax and enjoy yourself. Besides, there's not that much left. I just need to finish these two pies and then have the table set and all will be done." She gave me a smile but I just couldn't accept sitting around and doing nothing.
I took her hand in mine and looked at her, "Alice, at least let me help you set the table. You've done nothing but be helpful to me this entire time."
She finally gave in and pointed me to the dining room where there was already a stack of plates and fine silverware on the table. As I was walking in to the room, I heard her tell Kevin to go and help me and that she was basically done with the pies anyway.
Kevin came in the room a few seconds later and I was already setting down plates, so he took the job of setting the silverware.
"So," his voice was something I don't think I could get tired of, "My momma speaks about you often like I said before. She talks about you everywhere."
I stopped for a second before setting down another plate, "Oh she does? Good things I hope?"
Kevin snickered before continuing, "Only good things. She doesn't have one bad thing to say about you at all, which is a first. I mean, you could ask her about me and she'll give you the decent, the bad, and the ugly." We both ended up laughing at that.
"Maybe I will. She'll give me an opposing side to look at you from."
"Oh really? What side are you looking at me from now?" I just finished setting down the last plate, when Kevin presses gently up behind me, leaning down to put a fork next to the plate. My cheeks went a dark red and I tried to find my voice.
"Well, Mr. Lomax, I'm looking at a good side." My voice was just a bit quieter, no sense in speaking loudly if he's right next to me.
He chuckled softly and turned me around. "You weren't even getting a good look at me when you said that, so how could you be sure. Oh, and call me Kevin."
"Well, now Kevin, the side I'm looking at currently is much better than a few seconds ago." He went to say something but his mother came in. We quickly parted before she could see us.
"Well, the pies are in the oven. Oh! And you two set the table. Ain't the silver just lovely with this China?" Me and Kevin nodded in agreement.
All three of us set the food down the middle of the table and talked. They asked me questions and I asked them some as well. I knew a lot about Alice already. She loved the church with all of her heart. Kevin on the other hand, didn't go to church often and was a lawyer. He had recently broken off his engagement to another girl a few months ago and his mother seemed pleased about that.
We talked for nearly 20 minutes before we heard the doorbell ring for the first time since I got here. The first two guests had showed up, and after that it was like a flood.
After hours of eating, talking, and minor interrogations from the other guests at the party, I was beyond exhausted and full. Alice had given me two containers full of leftovers and I had helped her and Kevin clean up after the last guest had left.
I was almost out of the door before Kevin had said goodbye to his mom and ran up behind me, rushing to put on his coat. He put his hand gently against my back and leaned in front of me, "Hello (y/n)." I jumped in surprise and playfully hit him.
"You scared me half to death Kevin!" He just laughed.
"How about I walk you home? It's not too far from my momma's house I suppose?"
Normally I would reject this offer politely, but he wasn't wrong. My house was just less than half a mile away but it was super dark due to the lack of street lamps. "I'd like that. Thank you." He offered me his arm and I wrapped my hand, that wasn't carrying the bag full of leftovers, around it.
"So how long have you been here for?" He put his other hand on top of mine.
"Oh just a week, but everyone is making me feel really welcomed here. Almost feels like I've known everyone my whole life. Sounds cheesy, huh?"
"No, not cheesy at all. That's kinda the point of momma inviting you to today's dinner. She wanted to make you feel real welcomed." Kevin dropped his arm slowly and moved his hand into mine.
My cheeks flushed a little at his movements, but thankfully he couldn't see because it was still pretty dark. "Well, that was very kind of her. I honestly don't know what I would've done without her. I'd probably still be alone at my house, unpacking all of my junk. Your mom is a really sweet lady Kevin."
He smiled in pride. "Yeah, she is. She's always doing kind things for people. Like I said before, she really likes you. She was so up and about getting everything to be just so. She also really wanted me to meet you. Couldn't stop talking about how pretty you were. I thought she was exaggerating." I could see my porch light was on just like I left it in case I got home late. My house was now only a few feet away.
"But," he led me up my steps and turned to face me under the light, "I could see that I really was wrong." My blush seemed to have gotten worse by his words, because he smirked and chuckled softly as he leaned in slowly. "I really just couldn't stop looking at you all evening. You really are something to marvel at."
"I bet you say that to all the pretty girls in town." Even as I tried to make a snarky comment though, that was the only thing that came out, and I couldn't resist leaning in either.
He kept his smirk, "Not at all, only to the new ones who come over for supper." He wrapped his arms around me and leaned in, but kissed my cheek instead of my lips. He also whispered in my ear while we stood there, "And I hope to be able to look at you all night one day." Oh, he was good at smooth talking, no doubt about that.
I found my voice again. "How can you look if your eyes are closed." He seemed a bit taken aback by my sudden gain in confidence and I took the opportunity and given him a peck on the lips. "Thank you for walking me home Kevin." I smirked in my new found victory as he looked down at me, a bit surprised.
"It was no problem at all (y/n)." He seemed to be searching for something smooth again to say, but he couldn't seem to think of anything. "Maybe next time we could meet each other in the daytime instead?"
"How about tomorrow morning?" I looked back as I opened the door. "Say around 10?"
He quickly nodded a 'yes'. "I'd love to. I'll pick you up."
"It's a date then. Well, goodnight Kevin."
"Goodnight (y/n). See you around 10." Before I shut my door, I saw Kevin walking off back to his mothers house. Here a week and already have a date. Guess I have another thing to thank Alice for.

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