Ted "Theodore" Logan - Heat

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     "Ugh, it's way too hot for this air conditioner to be broken right now." I was fanning myself with a thin booklet in the middle of class, and a couple other people began to do the same. It was nearing the end of summer, about three days away from the end, and it was just getting hotter and hotter. It was 110°, and no one was having a good time.

     Luckily, the day was only 10 minutes from being over and  then we'd be off to feel the cool breeze of our AC's while we relaxed for the weekend. "Hey, psst, dude." Ted tapped my shoulders and I turned around. Ted's hair was a mess. The sides were practically standing up at this point, and sweat was really making it's presence known on Ted's shirt. It took everything from me not to laugh at the way he looked. "Me and Bill are wanting to know if you'd like to rock out with us today dude." Bill and Ted want to practice? In this heat? In this economy?

     Before I knew it, the word was out of my mouth, "Sure." Well, guess that settles that, I'm going to die of a heat stroke.

     "Nice! Missy is going to pick us up today dude, so don't worry about catching the bus." Ted seemed to be really talkative, which no one seemed to even want to breathe during this heat. So, I just nodded.

     3. 2. 1. School was out. Finally. Despite the heat, everyone bolted out of the door. Kids weren't even bothering to linger in the middle of the halls because they knew that would just amp the heat up and make it so much worse. I headed down the stairs in the front of the building and searched for the red car, which was Bill's dad's car.

      "Hey!" A shout came from a few feet away and I turned my head in the direction of it, my eyes landing on Ted standing on the back seat and waving his hands. How does he have so much energy? I can't seem to wrap my mind around it, and on the way to the car I saw that others couldn't seem to either.  Ted plopped down in his seat after I opened the door and climbed in next to him, then Bill hopped in the front seat.

     "Hey (y/n)," Missy smiled back at me and began to drive before I could respond to her. Missy and I never really got long too much, I wasn't a big fan of her when she kinda laughed in Ted's face when he asked her to the prom. Poor boy is just too sweet to understand that she wasn't really laughing with him.

     Missy dropped all three of us off at Bill's house and then went to go do some 'grocery shopping'. Bill led Ted and me into the garage and they both assumed their positions. I didn't exactly do much except for be the one to record, which they only recruited me when they realized that it was smarter to have an actual camera person instead of switching back and forth between each other. Speaking of the camera, Bill handed it to me and it was nearly dead. He forgot to charge it again.

     "Bill, what do you expect me to do in two hours when this camera is dead?" These two can play for hours and hours on end, and I'm not going to listen to "Is it charged yet" for the time it takes for this thing to charge.

     "Huh? How can you tell it's not charged?" Bill's curly hair was framing his red face, maybe practice wasn't a good idea.

     "There is a bar that.. never mind. Guys, why don't we do something else? You guys look like you're going to die from this heat." Bill and Ted looked like they were ready to protest but the look on my face showed that this was not something to debate on. They looked bummed and I suddenly felt bad. They were like puppies. I sighed, "How about we go get some ice cream?" Their faces instantly lit up and they nodded.

     "Wait, who's gonna take us? Missy's gone." Ted looked back between me and Bill, and I sighed once again.

     "Ted, the bus stop is just a few steps away from Bill's house." Ted had this look as if he had been given some huge piece of life changing information.

      We put everything back, with me plugging in the camera, and then we left. The bus was so hot, and it didn't help either that everyone decided to come out today. Ted and I were pushed together, and my heart was fluttering with every bump that pushed me further into him. Ted just looked down at me every time with a slightly apologetic smile, every time. By the time we had gotten off the bus, I had lost track of how many times he had smiled at me, but I'm pretty sure his cheeks hurt. We headed into the shop and I nearly fell at the first actual cool breeze of air I've felt in hours. I looked over and Bill and Ted seemed to be in the same boat as me. I don't think they proper realized how hot they actually were.

     We happily ordered our ice cream, silently making the decision to not eat outside. We sat down at the table and enjoyed every second of the two different types of coolness. By the time we were done, Bill's hair was back to its original state, but no one could say the same for Ted. Poor boy. 

     "I think I better get going, it's getting pretty late." I was already standing up and getting ready to venture back out into Hell.

      Ted got up and offered to walk me home, what a gentleman. Bill said he was going to stay for a bit, which really was understandable. Ted and I said our goodbyes and walked home.

     This heat really must be getting to me, because with every step, I want to hold Ted's hand. It's a super odd feeling. I've been friends with Ted for years, but recently I've gotten this odd feeling every time I see him. Bonus points if there's any touching with it. The feeling of Ted's skin against mine? It feels like electricity.

     "Hey, Ted?" Yep, this heat is definitely getting to me. "I have something to tell you." I stopped walking, and Ted did as well. I turned to face him and I could feel all of the reason floating out of my head and evaporate with the heat.

     "Dude, you okay?" Ted looked down at me and seemed concerned. Lord, he was adorable.

     "No, I'm not. Ted, listen." He seemed like he was giving me his full attention, so he was fully focused on me making a fool out of myself. "I like you." Short, simple, and to the point. Ted, however, didn't understand with the few brain cells he was blessed with.

     "Oh dude, I totally like you too! You're awesome." He was giving me that stupid smile again, along with the nod he does every time he seems to say something positive.

     "Ted, no. I like-like.. never mind. I have a crush on you. I want to be with you." I was hot, sweating, and panting. Definitely dying from the heat.

     Ted stood there for a second. It was like his brain was taking a second to truly process what I had just said, and then he pulled me close to him. He was also very hot and sweaty. "Babe.."

     Okay, there goes my heart. I nearly fell in his arms, maybe from the heat, maybe from the fact that he seemingly accepted my confession. Ted kissed the top of my head, and I'm pretty sure the heat has gotten to him too.

     After a few seconds of standing like this together, Ted and I broke the hug. We quickly started walking again because we had been standing out  in the heat for longer than either of us would like. As we walked, Ted grabbed my hand in his, and I smiled knowing that my heart felt, heat induced confession was accepted.

(A/N): Sorry for my lack of uploading! I've been super busy with school, and I promise I'm trying to write whenever possible. I'll try to figure out a good schedule once I'm more situated in school. Thank you for still reading!

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