Paper Heart - Samo

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Sana was known as the group flirt. But when her heart had been broken, she felt horrible. She forced herself into getting sick, her own body not used to the feeling, resorting into falling ill. Everyone worried for her, knowing that when she got sick, she was emotional. 

Sana was in bed, her entire body achy from just waking up. She had spent most of the night silently crying in bed, no one knowing about her relationship as she didn't want anyone to know just yet. Her nose was stuffy, eyes puffy, throat sore... She hated herself for letting herself get so invested in someone. But she couldn't help it.. They seemed so perfect from the start... 

"Satang?" Momo's voice was quiet as she approached her younger. 

"You're going to get sick." Sana's voice was hoarse as she spoke.

"I don't get sick." Momo chuckled while sitting on her bed. "Jihyo is making soup for you. She doesn't want you to eat it in the bed though." She explained. 

"I'm not hungry." She mumbled, rolling away from her elder. She pulled the blanket further up to her face, trying to sleep away her sadness. 

"You need to eat something... It's been a while since you last ate." Momo frowned. Sana rolled her eyes, knowing Momo wasn't going to stop until she ate. The poor girl was always focused on food. It was then, that Sana knew that she was going to have to stick close to Momo. At least for now. 

Momo did her best to keep Sana at her best. Reading her terrible jokes quietly, speaking to her in Japanese so both of them could speak freely about anything and everything. 

As time had gone on, Sana and Momo's relationship had thrived even more so. Both of them hanging onto each other emotionally. Of course in public Momo was much more tsundere with Sana, only being affectionate behind closed doors away from everyone. 

Which led to them both getting couple rings while visiting their home country. 

"Sana and I got them in Japan." Momo explained to Dahyun as she examined the ring. Dahyun watched as Momo put the ring back on her finger, smiling as she did so. 

"Momorin... What are you eating?" Nayeon asked. 

"Ice cream." She smiled. "Chocolate ice cream." She added. 

"Can I have a bite??" She gasped. Momo shook her head, turning away from her and enjoying her ice cream alone. Sana bounced over, smiling as she sat next to Momo. 

"Can I have a bite Momorin?" Sana whispered. Momo nodded, holding the ice cream out for Sana to try. Nayeon's jaw dropped, shocked that Momo had even shared her own food with someone. "Delicious.." Sana whispered. 

"Mhm." Momo smiled at her. Sana rested her head on Momo's shoulder, casually stealing bites whenever she wanted. Shocking the rest of the group when she did that. 

"Momo never shares..." Chaeyoung gasped. 

"Someone replaced her." Tzuyu whispered. 

"I agree. That's not our Momo." Dahyun frowned. 

"I'll test." Jeongyeon looked over at her. "Momorin, what's this?" She held her hands in a circle, getting a laugh out of Momo, who mimicked the action. "No, it's our Momo." She whispered. 

Sana had slowly opened up to Momo, telling her about her past relationship and wanting to move forward from it all. Momo held Sana's hand, gently brushing over her knuckles. 

"I won't hurt you like that idiot did." Momo whispered. 

"How can you be so sure about that?" Sana asked quietly. "I trusted them so blindly..." She frowned. 

"Everyone can make that mistake." Momo sighed. "But I know to take my time with you." She smirked at Sana, seeing her blush slightly. "I knew something was up when you just fell ill." She frowned. "But I didn't know how to ask you..." 

"I'm glad you didn't... You just kept on being Momo." Sana smiled at her. She began to play with Momo's hands, running her fingers over the only ring Momo continuously wore. "You wear this everyday don't you?" Sana asked. 

"Different fingers everyday." She shrugged. "Don't you?" She asked her. 

"I do. Different fingers everyday." She chuckled. "What if... We did try being a couple?" Sana asked, her own breath catching in her throat. She still didn't feel ready, even if it had been months since her heartbreak. 

"I don't want you to rush into anything you don't want to do Sana. I can wait." Momo tried to give her a sympathetic smile. 

"As long as you can be gentle... And know it's going to take me some time..." Sana whispered. She was afraid to look up at Momo. She didn't want to see any face she was making. She felt Momo's free hand reach up and cup her face. Her fingers moving to her chin, lifting her up slightly to look at her. 

"I promise, we can go at a snails pace... If it means I can spend every single day with you in that way." Momo whispered. Sana's cheeks tinted pink at her words. 

"Why are you so cold and distant... And then turn around and say such things." Sana blushed. 

"Only with you." Momo chuckled. "I share my food with you." She winked. 

"You do..." Sana smiled. "And I enjoy every bite I steal." She giggled. 

"Good." She smiled. 

The two sat in silence for a while, both of them enjoying each others presence until Sana felt brave and pressed her lips against Momo's. She smiled into the kiss. Everything felt right in the world when she did that. When they broke apart, Momo smiled like an idiot and held Sana's hand tightly. 

"I can't promise to kiss you like that everyday..." Sana whispered. "It still kind of hurts... But it feels right." She explained. 

"Then I'll treasure every kiss then." Momo smiled. Sana squealed, pushing Momo away from her playfully. She did love the grease, only because it was going to be reserved for her and her only.

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