Post No. 11~May 28, 2012~10:10 am

54 0 1

Remember how I said yesterday that I'm going to make the last week of summer count? Well...

Seriously NOT making it count :))

My sister is really annoying that's why so far the week is not really counting as the best week of my life but yeah. 

I think I've done something worth while the bathroom?

Anywho, if you're reading this and I'm still alive please lemme know how awesome or dumb you think I am (or was) :))

And if you're reading this in the year 2013 or somewhere near the year I'm writing this, please give me a suggestion on how to spend my summer.

BUT if you're reading this in let's say 2020, no thanks for the advice because you have just been late for like 8 years. And I'm  pretty sure that I'm already 22 by then.

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