Post No. 13~June 6, 2012~6:33 pm

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Gray rode on the shuttle service I was on today. From June 4-5, he rode on some other service. 

When I learned that he was going to ride in my service I kinda got scared.

Questions ran into my head like"What if he sits next to me?" "What if he keeps on bugging me?" "What if he doesn't bug me and we just sit there awkwardly?"

Well he did sit next to me, like he does everytime, I think that was our permanent seat already. The service was just a van so there is no other seat he can sit. It was either me, the two silent ones at the back or the two weird ones in the middle. 

He didn't talk to any of those people, only to me and the people on my row.

So he sat next to me and we sat there awkwardly for some minutes. I think the whole service was waiting for us to talk because usually me and Gray are the people who always talk in the service.

After a while, Lance, our rowmate, broke the silence. "Unc (that's what we call our service driver), I think it's best if Gray will be the last to be dropped by his house today. Right Gray?"

"Yeah Unc, I think that will be a great idea." Gray said, as he slowly looked at me.

All I could think was "Oh boy, trouble."  While I stared at the window.

Gray was usually the first one to be dropped because he was the nearest to the school while I on the other hand is the last.

"You kids wanna drive by 7-eleven on the way home?" Unc asked.

Of course everyone (by everyone, I mean everyone on my row since the others don't really speak much) agreed since Unc rarely stops us by there anymore.

"So..." "wait, is he talking to me?" "Aimee..." "Holy -- he is" "I was wondering-"

"Wondering what?" I cut in like an idiot. "wondering why you sent me 'sorry's" Gray said with a soft chuckle.

"Oh that. Umm, weren't you mad at me?" "No."


"Well..." he removes my grip on his collar easily, well he was stronger than me, after he did he was still holding my hand like asdfghjkl. "I kinda just pranked you the whole summer" he smirks "And you know that I don't get offended by your words, I mean, I'm used to it."

I look down on my hands, which he's holding asdfghjkl! "You bastard!" I get out of his grip on my hands and starts hitting him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" he says laughing and grabbing my hands.

The Service suddenly comes to a halt, we were already at 7-eleven.

We get off the van and go inside the store.

All of the people on my row went down and one of the weird ones went down too.

I go to the "slurpee corner" and I try to ignore Gray but...

"Aimee, I'm sorry about that but it was worth it. Especially seeing your reaction." He laughs. He friggin' laughed at my hell hole of a summer that he caused.

"Well I hope you were entertained." I turn around to go to the counter and pay for my slurpee.

"No, Aimee." He says chasing after me "I didn't think of it that way. I just thought it would be fun."

I look at him, glaring like never before. I didn't know it but he grabbed the cup in my hands and held it so that I won't have anything to hold. Maybe I didn't feel him get the cup because all I could think about was ways to get him back.

"I'll pay." He takes out some bills from his pocket. "Good." I say crossing my arms over my chest. He smirks. Ugh, why does he always smirk? Like seriously, don't you have any other emotion

After that incident I just drank my slurpee while on the service. I was the second to the last to be dropped off since Gray stayed.

"This is too sweet, want it?" I asked Gray. I haven't even reached the half of the cup. "No way, I bought it for you and you hve to finish it." I guess we're back to normal "Pleeeaaasssee?" "Okay, I am kinda parched. But only one sip." "Okay." I hand him the cup. The service came to a halt, it was my stop and I jumped off the van.

"Bye!" I shouted from outside the van.

"Hey, you cheat!" Gray said and he jumped out after me.

"Oh no the big ugly beast!" I shout, pretending to be scared. I go to my house and close the gate. I put my tongue out.

Gray still tried to hand the drink to me.

"Hey Gray, Unc is leaving you!" I laugh

Unc was already driving off

"Holy -- UNC UNC! WAIT FOR ME!" he chased the service.

Unc stopped the van and reversed drive to my house, where Gray was still at. Even though Gray chased the van, he wasn't that fast so he didn't come that far.

So that was my Day.


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