Post No. 20~June 21, 2012~8:55 pm

29 0 2

I just ate a Pringle and finished my assignment in CLVE. 

Yesterday we had song practice for the mass and I was sitting upstairs where there are cushioned seats without a backrest. I was in front of the stairs area when my adviser, Sir Chem, sat down there. I asked him if he was a Potterhead and he said he was. But he was like "But I haven't watched all the movies, I just read the books.". Then I was like "Sir, what house would you like to be in?" he gave me this look and  his face said, "are you a stalker?" but I explained that the house I meant were "Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." I also told him that maybe the reason why he wanted to be a Chemistry teacher was to be like Snape :)). Because potions class is like chemistry class. Feel the magic.

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