Post No. 8~May 25, 2012~11:00 am

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First week of school and my birthday is when? on the first week of school. Just found out we were going to go to school on the 4th of June. My school is like a sanctuary for all weird things that you wouldn't even imagine we'd have. My school's appearance is normal, when you get inside it's normal, but you wouldn't last a day if you're a newbie. Best advice if someone is gonna go to my school, is to join our school in the pre-school years or elementary years, you wouldn't wanna go there during high school, especially sophomore year. Last school year was my sophomore year and we had a new student, Dan, he was okay but our classmates keep on taunting him for I don't know why, I mean he's nice. He's not nerdy or anything, he's normal, he actually plays basketball. Somtimes he just looks lonely while the jocks throw stuff at him, but he takes it as a joke, since he understands that it was just for fun, but still if you're not strong like Dan maybe you won't survive. 

Before High School, everything was okay. Nobody hated anyone for shallow reasons because if someone hated you back then, it was because of a really grave thing you've done, like steal and stuff like that. But High School, people hate you for being YOU. They will only love you if you're hot or something. My school is miserable, even though it's supposed to be catholic and stuff.

Anyways, I don't want to celebrate my birthday at school, it will be awkward especially when they call you to the front of the class just to sing to you. This is an example of what happened, Freshmen year:

Teacher: Aimee, please go to the front of the class

Me: (Go to the front)

Teacher: let's sing Aimee a Happy Birthday!

The whole class: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU (and so the song goes)

Me: (while they sing I just look at the floor since I don't want to look awkward, looking them in the eye)

My birthday, Freshmen year I think was the first day of school.

That's enough ranting for me this morning

Bye for now!

The Girl in The FriendzoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora