Post No. 21~June 23, 2012~4:32 pm

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Krispy Kreme and trouble for breakfast.

Yesterday I found out that I had haters from the 7th Grade. Holy frick, you're like in the 7th grade, stop being assholes. I don't even know these people. I just found out yesterday when there was a couple of 7th graders who passed me, Gray and Jarred. 

"3rd time." They said.

I obviously I felt confused. I asked Jarred, he was a 7th grader who was my friend and service mate. Gray was trying to cover Jarred's mouth since it "might hurt my feelings". I told him that it won't so I removed his hand from Jarred's mouth. Jarred said that that 7th grader didn't like me. 

I don't wven know the dude. Like what the frick did I do to you? Jarred added that that student didn't like me since I was too loud and spoke too much. Well who cares? It's not like you're quiet yourself. Do me a favor hun and look at yourself before you judge others. 

Anyways, Krispy Kreme for breakfast. Heavenly tasting stuff right there. but then some people arrive at our domain. Woop dee doo. That was sarcasm in case you're wondering. Not much socialization was done. Well except for my sister and Dad. My Dad was of course entertaining his guests and my sister was with the kids. Kids like those dwarves at the play pen. And they were comparing me with that girl they had with them. I am not comparable to, I am too awesome :)). Anyways I'm just sitting here at the stairs and I'm gonna stop writing now. 


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