Post No. 23~July 1, 2012~12:47 pm

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Hey, a lot has happened this Friday. We were gonna select our clubs this day and I was trying to recruit people for our club, Frieds of Laura Vicuna but it seemed like I failed. The 3rd years were the ones to stand up and register. My section was the second section to stand.

When it was already our time I got up and go to the FLV table but there wasn't a teacher there so I approach our club adviser, Teacher Angel. I asked her who will facilitate our club table. She said that she was busy and since the other club adviser was absent she told me to facilitate the table. 

I sit on the table and wait for people to register but no one was coming near. The next section stood up and Red and Gem (my friends) came near the table and signed up. Paris, Marie and Alice signed up as well and I went back to my seat.

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