Day 30!

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welp last day of the challenge is here!

and the last day obviously gets the most aMAZiNG question...

Character I'd have as a roommate!

Oh god there are so many great choices. Hamilton, Laurens, Lafayette, Madison, Philip, Theodosia, Peggy, Angelica, Eliza sNEAK INTO THE CITY JUST TO WATCH ALL THE GUYS AT work work, angelicaaaa work work

ok imma stop

I just realized it might be a little awkward to have a boy for a roommate... cuz i'm not a boy.

So then, my top picks are Angelica, Eliza, Peggy, and Theodosia.

By Theodosia, know I mean Burr's daughter, not his wife. :\

I think Eliza and I would be really good roommates, we just have similar personalities and stuff. Although Angelica would be really cool, in an opposites-attract kinda way. And Theodosia always seemed like ths super-cute kid but the really nice young adult, you know? 

Nah you know what, Eliza. Eliza and I would be such good roommates. She's not really a messy type of person, which is good because I'm the hyper-organized type. And we could talk about school and stuff. I feel like Eliza is that one girl that everyone is comfortable talking to, no matter what.

which is cool cuz im that kid that no one talks to anyway, sooooo

anyway, Eliza's a great roommate. :) Now I wish she actually was my roommate...

and that concludes this very weird challenge, aka an amazing challenge because it's thirty days of Hamilton!

 ok bye people!

-nerd who is currently singing along to The Schuyler Sisters :3

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