Day 4!

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hello again nobody! i'm depressed!

Anyway day 4: least favorite ship!

Oh boy, here we go...

Okay, so my least favorite ship is probably Jamilton. I'm sorry, but you HAVE to say no to that (;3). Like, why is it Alexander is like, I EFFING HATE JEFFERSON AND I'D LIKE TO MURDER HIS REPUTATION, adn Jefferson's like SAME, and then the fandoms like Oh cUtE let's have them go on a mac and cheese date.

nO. they HATE each other.

It's also just weird and kinda screws around with their personalities. Very fake. I have looked at some super cute Jamilton fanart, and boy is it cute, but I don't ship it.

Also, in second place... once I saw ship art of Lafayette and Burr.

NO. Lafayette belongs iwth the beautiful hercules motherfrickin mulligan, and Burr is kinda having an affair + children with Theodosia anyway so....? I mean i kinda ship HAmBurr though, but still, NO LAF AND BURR.

yOu aRe tHe wOrST, bUrR.

i feel pretty bad for burr tho...

anyway that concludes today's actually short update, see you nonexistent readers tomorrow! *cries*

30 day Hamilton challenge!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt